Running From Death 39

Start from the beginning

Sebastian finished off Shio and went back to human form rushing over to Lorna. He ripped the chains off of her and pulled her limp body against him. He picked her up into his arms and dashed out of the building. He ran home and dashed to their room laying her in the bed. He ripped her clothes off of her to look her over checking what wounds she had. He boiled with rage seeing the many bruises, gashes, and burn marks on her. He grabbed her knife off of her leg and cut his arm through his clothes. He dropped the knife and ripped off his sleeves and placed his wound at his lips taking in as much of his blood into his mouth as he could. He quickly slid his hand behind her head and brought her up to him pushing his lips against hers. He slid his tongue into her mouth and used his tongue to make her swallow his blood. He repeated the process a few times until she began coughing a bit. He panted lightly from his loss of blood but pulled her against his chest tightly. She weakly opened her eyes seeing his chest and hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. He tightened his hold on her and she buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry Lorna." She shook her head. "No, I'm sorry Sebastian. I should have just killed Nio from the beginning." He leaned his head down and kissed the top of her head. He felt her starting to go limp in his hold and knew she was falling asleep. He gently laid her in her bed and got up leaving the room.

Lorna woke to a dark room and frowned. She knew she was home and she was in her room. But didn't know where Sebastian was. "Sebastian?" "I'm going to visit the Undertaker with your brother. I shall be back shortly." She sighed in relief knowing she wasn't abandoned. She pushed herself up and flinched. Sebastian's blood may have healed her major wounds, but the gashes were still there, and they still hurt. She pushed herself off the bed painfully and headed for the door. She went to grab the nob but collapsed before she could even touch it. Her window flew open and she was instantly caught before she could hit the floor. Her head instantly turned towards Undertaker in surprise but he just picked her up and dashed out the window heading back to his shop.

Undertaker got to his shop long before Sebastian and Ciel reached it. He laid Lorna in one of the coffins and she rolled her eyes at him. "Is this really necessary?" He giggled placing a finger over his lips. She slowly shook her head and placed her hands over each other on her stomach as she closed her eyes relaxing her breath so it looked like she wasn't breathing. She heard the door to the shop open and did her best to keep her breaths even as she had already cut off the connection as well just to play in with Undertaker's trick. She found it hard not to laugh as she felt the two walking in.

Ciel walked in first and scowled at Undertaker who was standing next to a coffin with a body in it. "You seem busy today." Undertaker looked over at the two with a serious expression. "So it would seem. What is it that you need young earl?" Both boys scowled at Undertaker and Sebastian began walking towards him but stopped mid step as he saw the body in the coffin. His eyes widened and he took a few steps back. "No, that isn't possible. She was very much alive when I left." Ciel glared up at Sebastian. "What are you talking about?" Undertaker turned towards the two. "Perhaps if you had treated her better this wouldn't have happened." Sebastian glared at Undertaker and rushed at him in rage. Sensing what was going on Lorna jumped out of the coffin appearing in front of Undertaker catching Sebastian's hand with their fingers laced together. She panted from forcing herself to do such strenuous movement. Undertaker wrapped an arm around her waist and began laughing. "Fooled ya!" She sighed bowing her head dropping her hand out of Sebastian's. Sebastian scowled at the two. "What kind of joke is this?" Ciel shook his head in irritation. "Enough. Sebastian we have business to take care of." Sebastian moved back to Ciel's side and Undertaker kept his hold around Lorna's waist knowing she would collapse soon. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to his desk where he set her down on it. Sebastian's scowl deepened watching them. Lorna opened up the connection again for him and he shook his head at her with irritation. She just rolled her eyes at him. "Undertaker. I need to know if you know where the land of crystal blood is." This peaked Lorna's interest. Undertaker rose a brow at Ciel even though he couldn't see it. "What could you possibly want that's there?" Ciel scowled at him. "I need the snow egg that is hidden there for someone." Undertaker hummed in thought. "Sorry. I can't help you." Ciel instantly grew angry. "What do you mean?!" Lorna sighed shaking her head at them. "Ciel, only otherworldly beings can get there. Even then it is too dangerous for you. Not many make it back even demons rarely come back alive. That egg you are after is protected by a dragon." Ciel nodded. "Good, then you, Sebastian, and Myron can take me." An irk mark appeared on her head as she glared at him. "Absolutely not! I forbid you from entering that land!" Ciel waved her off and turned to Sebastian. "Sebastian, speak to Myron about entering this land. We shall set out tomorrow." Lorna was fuming at being ignored. Sebastian sighed looking down at Ciel. "Yes my lord." Undertaker looked over at Lorna. "Are you sure you're fit to be running around in such a place?" She huffed crossing her arms over her chest. "What choice do I have? I can't let my brother run around in there with two pathetic men." Sebastian rose a brow at her. "Pathetic?" She just huffed turning her head away from him. He shook his head at her.

Lorna, Sebastian, and Ciel sat in the carriage as Myron was leading it. The ride was long but they were glad when it was over. Lorna climbed out behind Ciel with Sebastian following after her. The four walked to a small boat and Myron climbed in first holding his hand out to Lorna. She gently took his hand and bent down a bit to pick up her dress. She cringed in pain falling forward a bit. Sebastian quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. "I'll help her in. You get the young master in first." Myron nodded frowning at Lorna. Myron helped Ciel into the boat and Sebastian scooped Lorna up into his arms before getting into the boat seating her across his legs on his lap leaning her against his chest. Myron rowed the boat into a fog that covered their vision. They traveled through the boat ride for a bit before hitting land. They got out of the boat being met with large red crystals with some clear small ones. Sebastian set Lorna on her feet and she walked with Ciel through the crystals. She was instantly stopped as her dress caught on one of the crystals. She frowned looking down at it. She grabbed her skirt and tried to pull at it. She looked up seeing the others disappearing from sight. "Hey! Wait a minute guys!" She pulled harshly at her dress tearing it stumbling back into a large crystal that stabbed her in the back with a smaller one. She gasped in pain placing her hand on the crystal and shoved herself off of it. She frowned as she watched everyone disappear from sight. "Sebastian. I got caught on a crystal. Wait for me will you?" She got no answer and she frowned. She walked on forward hoping he had heard her but just not replied. Not finding anyone she sighed dropping to her knees as blood ran down her back. She crawled her way to a crystal where she sat against it and closed her eyes waiting for the impending death she knew would await her soon if she wasn't found. Hopefully by her brother and husband and friend than the beast that lied dormant within the lands they were walking on.

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