Letters Chapter 20

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Sebastian stood next to Ciel when Tanaka walked in with a letter in hand. Sebastian looked at him confused. "I don't remember hearing the door, or the postman. This isn't the time for him." Tanaka held the letter out to Ciel. "That is because it was not the post man I'm afraid. It was a messenger." Ciel took the letter and opened it looking at the contents. His eyes widened and he instantly looked at Tanaka. "You haven't given anything like this to Lorna yet have you?" Tanaka frowned. "No young lord. I was reported to give this to you first." Ciel sighed in relief but frowned down at the letter. "Tanaka. I'm sorry to make you the carrier of this letter, but will you give it to her?" Tanaka bowed to Ciel lightly taking the letter. "Yes young lord." He left the room and Sebastian looked at Ciel. "If I may young master. What was in the letter? Is there something I should be cautious of when I see her later?" Ciel frowned at his desk.

Lorna looked at her door as it was knocked on. She looked at Tanaka confused. "Tanaka? It's unusual for you to pay me a visit." He walked in holding an already opened letter to her. "I was requested to give this to you my lady." She frowned taking the letter. "Thank you Tanaka. You may return to your duties." He bowed to her leaving closing the door behind him. She pulled the letter out of the envelope and read it. Her eyes widened and she placed a hand over her mouth. She dropped the letter falling to her knees as tears began falling. She tried to muffle her cries with her hand but her door flew open and Sebastian ran in shutting the door behind him. He dropped to a knee beside her and didn't even have to touch her. She jumped on him wrapping her arms around him burring her face in his shoulder as she cried. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close as he rubbed her back. "I, I told her not to go. Why didn't she listen?" Sebastian frowned at her. "Please Lorna. Come to bed." She nodded and he moved an arm under her knees pulling her off the floor into his arms. He carried her to the bed where he laid her. He moved next to her pulling her to him.

Sebastian and Ciel became worried for Lorna as she wouldn't leave her bed. Myron did all he could to try to take care of her but even he couldn't get her to do much. He and Sebastian were left to take care of Malakai. She would only feed him but that was as much as she would do. Ciel stormed into her room angrily. "Lorna! You can't keep doing this to yourself!" She looked at her brother sadly. "Ciel." Her voice was course but she held a hand out to him. He clenched his fists. "Don't Ciel me! You can't keep doing this to yourself! Why Lorna?! I loved aunt red as much as you but I don't understand." She looked away sadly. "I'm sorry Ciel. I couldn't save her this time." He scowled at her. "What are you talking about?" She looked at him with great sorrow. "Aunt Ann. She came to me the day you made Myron my butler. She told me she was leaving. She knew what she was getting into. I knew this might happen. I tried to stop her, but I didn't try hard enough. I just let her go. If I had followed her-" "Enough Lorna! She chose this! She knew what she was doing. Don't blame yourself. What I don't understand is why you didn't tell me before?" She looked away from him only giving him an apology. He not being able to take seeing his sister in such a state any longer left the room. She looked at the door for a minute sadly. "I'm so sorry Ciel. There was so much I could have done. So much I could have done to prevent her death. To save her. To keep her here. I've failed you once again little brother. I've lost my humanity to save you and you didn't need me in the end after all. All I've done was all for not. I tried to save you all the way to the end and I failed you time and time again. I'm so sorry." She ignored the window as it opened. She just closed her eyes letting her eyes close in sadness. Undertaker frowned seeing her sorry state. He closed the window and locked the door walking to her. "Lorna. What are you doing?" She looked at him with a frown and held her arms out to him. "Please Adrian. End my suffrage. I cannot bare to disappoint my brother again. Use your death scythe and rip apart my tainted soul." He frowned at her walking to her. "What happened to you? You don't look well Lorna." She grabbed his sleeve as tight as she could. "Adrian I beg of you." He sat on the edge of her bed next to her placing a hand on her chest. "Sebastian has claimed your soul. It wouldn't be right if I took it from him." She frowned looking away. "I don't deserve such a man. He deserves a woman who can keep together better. Who can get through things better and know her way out of situations. Who doesn't always need a man to have her back." Undertaker placed a hand on her cheek. "Enough Lorna. Sebastian will never give you up. No matter what mistakes you make. I'm sure he'll save you in any situation you end up in. He'll always love you. I won't take your soul either. Not like this. Once in time I might have been willing, but now. Now is different. You've found love. You've found a companion. Someone to live the rest of eternity with. Liven up Lorna. It isn't the end of the world. You'll loose more people but you'll never loose Sebastian or I." Her mood lifted a bit. "You promise you won't leave me? No matter what?" He brushed some of her hair away from her face. "I promise." She looked into his green eyes looking for any trace of betrayal. He moved a hand behind her neck pulling her up into a soft kiss. Her eyes widened in shock, but she decided that it wouldn't hurt to give him one kiss. She closed her eyes returning the simple kiss before he pulled away. He closed his eyes for a minute resting his forehead against hers. "Lorna, if only I could have kept you to myself." She frowned at him. "You had a chance Adrian. Why didn't you?" He let go of her sitting up. "Because you lost yourself. You were out of my reach just as you are now. Your soul was bound to wind up in the hands of a demon. You've always belonged to one. A reaper like me could never have you. You chose the life of a demon and so it was only right you have one. When you came to me with Sebastian, I knew it was already a true loss. Myron may have been gone, but the demon in you still called out for more demon blood. That was something I could not give you." She placed a hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry Adrian." He grabbed her hand moving it away from his face and onto her stomach. "Don't be. This is the life you chose. You're happy now. You have a child and a husband. I've only helped you get to where you are. I will help you get further because I care for you and I will do anything for you. Just as I said I would all those years ago." She gave him a soft smile. "Thank you. So much Adrian. You've always done so much for me. Even when I haven't asked for it, or even when I didn't deserve it." He chuckled running his fingers though her hair. "I've told you before. You are always worth saving. I will do anything for you no matter what. Even if you don't want me to. Rest now Lorna. I'm sure Sebastian or your brother will be by soon enough." She nodded as he leaned down giving her forehead a kiss before unlocking the door and leaving. Just as she began drifting off Sebastian entered the room. "Lorna." He sighed softly walking to her. He placed a knee on the bed moving over her. "Lorna. Wake up for a bit. I need you-" he stopped as a familiar sent hit his nose. His brows rose but his look slowly morphed into a smirk. "Have you been sleeping with the Undertaker in my absence my dear?" She opened her eyes slowly trying to take in what he was saying. "What?" He leaned down sniffing her before moving completely over her. "What have you two been up to? I don't smell him completely on you." Her eyes widened a bit and she placed her hands on his chest. "Now just wait a minute Sebastian! Adrian and I would never do anything like that and you know it!" He chuckled lowering himself on her. "Yes, he does have enough respect to keep his hands off you, but does he have enough respect to keep his lips away?" He could feel her panic and got an idea of what happened. "It looks like I'll have to claim back what's mine." He gently grabbed the sides of her face pulling her to him in a passionate kiss. She pushed at his chest trying to get him off her but didn't fight his kiss. He chuckled into the kiss and moved off her. "That's right. I have something to finish." He looked at the door and closed it with his magic along with sealing it shut and locking it. She began to panic more not knowing what was going on. He morphed out of human form and her eyes widened in fear. He traced his claws down the side of her face making her shiver. She didn't reach for him but moved her hands yo the center of her chest holding each other. "S-Sebastian what are you doing?" He climbed over her placing his hands on either side of her head. "I told you a wild back didn't I? I'm going to ravish you." She gave him a smile placing her hands on his shoulders. He leaned down biting her dress over her chest and ripped it off tearing the dress. Her eyes widened a bit in shock. He leaned down licking her chest up to her neck. He grabbed more of her dress in his hands and tore away at more of it. She was in too much shock to process what was happening. He bit down on her next bringing her out of her shock causing her to flinch. She closed her eyes as she began feeling better from his demonic power she could feel flowing into her. She grabbed the back of his arms tightly pulling him closer to her. She didn't even care about the fact he was tearing her dress to shreds. She let him go as he sat back on his knees between her legs. He ran a claw up her leg gently against her skin to her underwear. She gazed into his lust filled eyes grabbing his wrist as he slid his claw under the fabric and snapped it off cutting it. He pulled the cloth off her before grabbing the top of her corset sliding his fingers into it over her breasts. He ripped it in glad throwing the torn corset across the room. "Sebastian. That was my favorite one." He chuckled leaning over her grabbing the back of her thighs. "Well then. I suppose we'll just have to get you another then won't we?" She scowled at him but he reached down undoing his pants freeing himself. She took a quick glance at him and she looked at him in shock. He chuckled at her leaning down giving her neck a kiss. "Yes, I must say that I am a bit bigger this way. I hope you'll be able to handle me." She couldn't form words as he laid her back pulling on her legs forcefully. She grabbed his shoulders as he lined himself up with her entrance. He grabbed her hip quickly thrusting into her. She forward gripping his shoulders tightly. He went to move back to continue thrusting but she wrapped a leg around his waist. "Wait Sebastian!" He stopped his movements and looked down at her. "I'm terribly sorry my dear." She shook her head bitting her lip. "No, I'm just not used to this size that's all." He nodded watching her. "Just let me know when to move." She nodded gripping his shoulders tightly. She slowly slid her leg from his back as her discomfort eased. "You can move now." He nodded and began with slow thrusts. She leaned back a bit moaning into his thrusts as she moved her hips against his. He picked up his pace placing his hands beside her head. Her moans got louder with his fast pace and he smirked down at her. He got rougher with her grabbing her hip. She slid her hands down onto his chest leaning her head back a bit. "S-Sebastian, I. I love you." He moved down locking lips with her moving faster. The quick motions of his hips moving against hers brought her quicker to her release. He thrusted more roughly into her digging his boots into the bed as he felt her tighten around him. She nibbled on his lip gripping his shirt tightly but quickly broke the kiss leaning her head back a bit crying out as she met her release. He continued his pace nibbling on her neck till he felt his climax approaching. He buried himself deep inside her as he came. She laid her hands on his chest as he panted over her. He smiled down at her kissing her forehead. "I love you too." The two looked at the door as a knock was heard. "Lorna, a letter has been sent for you." She sighed looking at Sebastian. He nodded pulling out of her and climbing off the bed. She giggled softly looking at his boots. He sighed tucking himself back into his pants. "Don't be so scorn Sebastian. I think they look sexy on you." He shook his head at her with a small smile before going back to human form releasing the seal on the door. He walked over opening it looking at Myron. "I'll take it." Myron pulled the letter from him. "Sorry, I was told to give this directly to her." Sebastian scowled at him and Lorna frowned at the two. She walked over holding her hand out. Let me see it." She took the letter from Myron and looked at it. "This seal. This is a letter from Adrian." Sebastian scowled at her. "What does he want?" She shook her head opening the envelope and reading the letter. She frowned as she read it and gave it to Sebastian. "Myron have a small bag ready at the door for me in ten minutes. I shall be gone for a few days." Sebastian glared at her. "Tell me you aren't going?" She sighed turning to him. "If Adrian has asked of me to do so then I shall do so. I owe much to him. It's the least I can do." Myron shook his head at her. "I shall start packing your bag. You go speak with your brother." She nodded leaving the room. Sebastian was quick behind her as she entered her brother's room. "Lorna. You look to be in better health already. That's good." She nodded walking up to Ciel. "Yes. Ciel. I shall be leaving for a few days. Adrian has asked me to look into a case for him." Ciel jumped to his feet. "But you just got better!" She frowned. "I know Ciel. I shall be back as soon as I can, alright?" He sighed nodding. "Be careful alright? Take Myron with you." She giggled softly. "No, I'll be alright. But I'm going alone." Sebastian was fast to intervene. "Then we shall follow." She shook her head. "You'll only endanger my brother." Ciel crossed his arms over his chest. "If Sebastian senses any kind of danger from you he's going over right away." Lorna nodded. "Alright, I can at least agree to that. I must be on my way now. Take care Ciel." She leaned down giving him a kiss on the forehead before kissing Sebastian on the lips. He tried to prolong the kiss but she kept it short and made a quick exit. Myron helped her into the carriage and she rode off to the trancy manor. To say she was happy to see the spider was an understatement. She was quite not looking forward to seeing a familiar face. Especially one who had caused her and Myron a lot of trouble in the past.

Woman Long LostTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang