Just Some Clichè Christmas Romance

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"Love?" Seven called out.

"Hmm?" Yoosung hummed in response.

"You're wearing my hoodie again aren't you?" Seven stepped inside the living room in time to see Yoosung bobbing his head up and down.

Seven chuckled. "Aw! You look really cute love. Come here!" He then opened up his arms. The young boy merrily skipped as he jumped into the older man's embrace. He immediately buried his face in the crook of the older boys neck. The other repeating the action, the only difference is just being on top of the blond's hair.

They stayed like that for a few moments before Seven gently pushed Yoosung back a bit before saying, "You know, you'd look much cuter if the hood was up."

Seven pulled the hood up and to Yoosung's surprise, a mistletoe hung from the top of the hoodie. Yoosung stared at it for a bit before saying, "You dork."

"Your dork."

"Right." He giggled. "My one and only dork."

Yoosung smiled as Seven leaned down and kissed him tenderly.

Once they broke apart, Yoosung softly questioned, "How'd you even get the mistletoe on the hoodie? Last time I checked, it wasn't there."

"A magician never reveals his secrets Yoosung." Seven smirked down at the younger boy. Then in an instant that smirk was replaced with a wide grin as he thought of something.

"Love?" Seven questioned.

"Yes love?"

"Do you wanna go outside and make some snow angels?" Seven bounced on his heels as if he were a little kid again.

The smaller boy looked up at Seven and immediately said, "Oh my god, yes!"

The two quickly put on their winter attire and rushed to get outside. Once outside, Seven plopped face down onto the soft white snow. Yoosung grinned down at his boyfriend as he mumbled something incomprehensible before being pulled down onto the snow. Yoosung let out a yelp of surprise as he met the same fate as his lover.

Once he rolled over to face Seven, he glared at the man and was only met with a huge grin.

"Come on love! It wasn't that bad. Now let's go make some snow angels!" Seven pumped his fist into the air in emphasis. Despite being pulled down without his consent, he couldn't stay mad at him. Even if he could, it would be very difficult when a very cute boy would be asking for forgiveness every minute.

The two made some space between them so that they wouldn't hit each other and extended their arms out. Then they started to make their seperate snow angels. Least to say, Seven might have paused in creating his snow angel just to look at Yoosung enjoying himself. Unbeknownst to Seven, Yoosung had done the same thing moments later.

After they finished, they admired their handiwork and decided to make some hot cocoa. They sat in front of the fireplace, hot cocoa in hand.

"Hmm. Love this has been the best Christmas we have had so far." Yoosung said before he took a sip of his hot cocoa.

"I agree love. Although I'd like to think that next year will be better." Seven replied. Taking a sip out of his own cocoa. Then he put it down and slowly pulled Yoosung in between his legs, careful of spilling his drink.

Yoosung leaned his head back on Seven's chest while the other wrapped his arms around the younger boy. Yoosung continued to sip his drink and sighed contentedly as he set his drink down as well.

"Merry Christmas Yoosung. I love you." Seven whispered. Yoosung looked up to see Seven's face.

"I love you too. Merry Christmas Saeyoung." Seven smiled softly as he leaned down and captured his lover's lips once again.

Their Christmas may not be as eventful as the others. There wasn't a big feast, a big celebration, or dressing up in Christmas themed outfits, yet as long as they were together, they were comlplete. That was all they wanted. It was all they needed. They were sure of one thing, this Christmas was one to remember.

Merry Christmas!! Happy Hanukkah!! Happy kwanzaa!! Yes I know I am very very VERY late. I mean in my place it's already New Year's. Also, Happy New Year!! Sad part is that I didn't post the chapters I said I was going to post...again. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed your holidays and have a great 2019!

~Faded Angel signing out~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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