BedTime Stories to Terrify Your Children: The Little Mermaid

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Down at the bottom of the ocean was a little girl. Many would think her name was Ariel, but that would involve lawsuits and money that I do not have. For my story, her name will be Fernanda.

Swimming through the ocean, this little girl had always dreamt of going to the top to see what was shining so brightly above her world. Around her there were beautiful plants, fish, crustaceans, among other creatures and things. She was only six minipids old (that's an elongated year in Mermaid talk) and was not yet allowed to swim once the light had stopped shining down to where she lived. For at night, that is when the giant Sharp Tooth’s would come out to hunt, and she did not want to be eaten or injured, as her father would always tell her.

One day, when Fernanda had finally reached her eighth minipid, she decided it was time to go to the top of the water and finally take a look around. She knew her father would not approve of this, but she went up and did it anyways. Slowly but surely she made her way through the ocean that continued to get brighter as bubbles were floating all around her. She could see something bright and yellowish in the sky, until she finally reached her head out of the water to see what it was. 

The beauty that was the human world blinded her. She could see the sun and above water mountains that she had only dreamt about. As she looked to her left she could see what looked like weird creatures, almost like a mermaid, but instead of a tail, they had two long thingies that helped them on the surface of this new world. When she began to turn to her right, she felt a searing pain as a boat with the letters SHARK WEEK on its ass tore its metallic shark tooth into her neck, beheading the young mermaid. Her eyes were still open when they caught the body and head in a net, and some even say she was smiling, but I believe, it was a face of sheer terror and pain from the motor tearing through her flesh.

Moral of the story kids, don't go and do something your parent's tell you not to, because you may be beheaded by a boat that had SHARK WEEK across the ass end.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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