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[ri-puhl-shuh n]


the feeling of being repelled, as by the thought or presence of something; distaste, repugnance, or aversion.

Physics. the force that acts between bodies of like electric charge or magnetic polarity, tending to separate them.


Showing sportsmanship was something Luke Hemmings just couldn’t do. It didn’t come naturally to him, nor did politeness or respect.

For himself and others.

As he trudged the hallways of this small secondary school in Chicago, he couldn’t help but glare at everyone that looked his way.

Now, that came naturally.

His vision seemed to blur as he exited the school grounds, just as the third period siren went.

Tears, tears were blurring his vision.


Luke turned a street corner, just as the high school freshman social studies teacher entered the school’s front doors, entering just after her duty roll. He made it quick to disappear from sight, in case the teacher caught him skipping classes.

Luke hated school.

But who doesn’t right?

Cara O’Donelly didn’t, neither to Alicia Sherman or Harold Jr. Smith.

They were exceptional students, an exception, all either being class president or the head of the social committee.

Luke wasn’t anything.


Luke believed he had no purpose in life, that he was just God’s mistake that he meant nothing to everyone.

So, to sum everything up, Luke hated himself, life and everyone around him, pushing away anyone who offered to help (not that there was many).

He never noticed Ashton.

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