Chapter 1:

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Shin Godzilla stumbled through the streets of Tokyo, exhausted, aching, and soaking wet. He almost looked like a zombie. Luckily, there were barely any people on the street, and those who were there didn't see him. Or if they did, they didn't pay attention to him. Soon enough, he found himself standing under the neon lights of a bar sign. He had no idea what it was, but he did know he needed water, or anything to drink. He stumbled inside, and as soon as he did, all eyes were on him. He sneered at the bar patrons who were staring at him, and made his way to the front table.
"Water..." He hissed at the bartender.
"...Sure." The bartender replied, cautiously handing him a glass of water. Shin grabbed the glass and drank the whole thing in one gulp. The water stung the scars inside his mouth, making him wince in pain. Despite the intense pain, he slammed the cup on the table.
"More..." He said. The bartender didn't respond, prompting Shin to glare up at him, with what appeared to be murderous intent.
"I need more water." He repeated through clenched teeth. The bartender said nothing, but filled the cup with more water. Again, Shin drank it in another gulp. He felt much better, and breathed a sigh of relief.
"One more and I'll be on my way." He said, with a gnarled grin. The scars on the sides of his mouth made him look like he was grinning ear to ear. He held out the cup once again, but the bartender was having none of it.
"I think you need to be on your way now." He said. Shin's grin dropped. He contemplated killing him, but it would cause a scene. And he didn't want that.
"Fine." He hissed, walking away from the table. As he was leaving, he realized that the soaking wet and ripped up clothes didn't exactly suit him. He looked up to see who appeared to be a bouncer or security guard. He was about Shin's height, and was wearing a black leather jacket along with black jeans.
"The hell are you lookin' at?" The man asked.
Shin didn't answer. He felt like he was being challenged, and he didn't like it. The bouncer tried to grab Shin's shoulder to throw him out, but Shin roughly shoved his hand away.
"Don't touch me." He spat. The bouncer grabbed him again, but this time, Shin grabbed his wrist.
"I said don't touch me!" He shouted. Before the bouncer could respond, Shin clutched his other hand into a fist, and it erupted in a ball of fire. The fire condensed into a purple blade of pure energy. In a split second, Shin stabbed the bouncer through the chest, killing him instantly. The bar erupted in shouts and screams of fear. While Shin ripped the jacket and pants off the corpse, everyone ran out the emergency exits. When he had what he wanted, the bar was empty. He took off his soaking wet clothes, and replaced them with the jacket and jeans. They fit almost perfectly. He raided the back of the bar for any food he could find, since he hadn't eaten since he left Isla Nublar. Once he was clothed, full, and hydrated, he felt much better. And now, it was time to find Godzilla.

Shin Godzilla: Persecution of the MassesWhere stories live. Discover now