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*Meanwhile, as the four brave friends fought Raditz*

"Lord Frieza, why did you allow Raditz to waste time with those bugs? We have more important things to do! Like find Y/n" Captain Ginyu said to his leader

"Patients Ginyu" Frieza as he stood there with his eyes closed

"Hey, Ugly!!" Screamed a young voice

"Ahhh. He sent you out next, huh?" Frieza chuckled at

"Oh! And the Prince himself! How lucky are you, Ginyu" Frieza smiled as Vegeta floated next to Vegeta

"What are you talking about Lord Frieza?" Ginyu raised an eyebrow and looked to his leader

"Don't you see you idiot? Goku sent his weaker friends to take out his brother. He sent his son and the Prince to take you on. He's taking my men away from me so he has me all to himself" Frieza chuckled

"Cleaver for the idiot he is" He added

"Well, go on Ginyu" Frieza waved him away

"He knows" I whispered to Goku

"It's fine. We can still surprise him when the attack" Goku said as he stared at Frieza

"Wha- fine! Let's go punks! My Ginyu force almost killed the 2 of you on Namek. I'll have no issue killing the both of you alone" Ginyu said as he smiled at the pair. Gohan and Vegeta flew off into the desert as Ginyu followed close behind

"Hmmm. I'm waiting Goku..and Y/n" Frieza whispered to himself as he looked around.

*With Gohan and Vegeta. Third Person Pov*

Gohan landed on a tall rock as Vegeta floated in the air with Ginyu

"I'll take him, half-breed. I honestly don't even know why your father sent you with me" Vegeta said with a smirk. He was always such a cocky bastard

"Good. I'll kill you first and then the brat" Ginyu smiled at Vegeta

Vegeta lunged at Ginyu and punched him in the face, knocking him back. The Prince punched and kicked with all his might, forcing Ginyu into the ground.

"Whoa, Vegeta" Gohan said under his breath. He was pretty impressed at the strength and speed Vegeta was showing. He knew Vegeta was strong, but not this strong

Ginyu caught Vegeta's leg during a kick and threw him into the cliff Gohan was standing on, causing it to crumble down. Gohan jumped into the sky and watched the rocks pile up on Vegeta. Vegeta busted out of the rocks and flew towards Ginyu, blasting him. Ginyu flipped backwards from the hit and steadied himself

"I guess you gained some power over the years, huh?" Ginyu sounded a little nervous.

Vegeta chuckled as he got into his stance. He screamed as loud as he could as he powered up. His hair turned blonde and a yellow aura now surround him

"This is Super Saiyan 1. This is what was used to kill Frieza on planet Namek. I seriously doubt you are as powerful now as he was then" Vegeta chuckled

"So, this should be easy" Vegeta calmly said as he disappeared and reappeared in front of Ginyu.

"CHANGE NOOOOWWWW" Ginyu screamed. Vegeta knew he would try this. A blast flew from Ginyu's mouth and went straight towards Vegeta. The Saiyan flawlessly dodged it and punched Ginyu in the gut, knocking the air out of him. He then punched Ginyu in the mouth and the alien spit blood

Vegeta continued to hit and kick Ginyu farther and farther back. Ginyu saw an opening and blasted Vegeta right in the chest. If he had been wearing his normal armour, he would have been fine. But he wasn't. The blast did some serious damage and Vegeta fell to the ground, reverting back to his normal form

"Vegeta!" Gohan screamed out as he flew towards the Prince

"Go, you brat. Get him" Vegeta coughed out. He inhaled sharply and touched his bloody chest

Gohan screamed and turned into his Super Saiyan 1 form. He flew into the air and began charging up a blast. Ginyu laughed at the small child as he remembered how easy it was to defeat him before

"KA-MA-HA-MA-HAAAAAA" Gohan screamed at Ginyu, blasting him into the ground. Ginyu quickly lost his smile as his body crashed through the desert floor. He was done for

Gohan flew back to Vegeta and helped him up. Vegeta leaned against the small child as they made their way over to Ginyu. He was barely alive but still had enough energy to chuckle at the pair

"What's so funny?" Vegeta snapped

"You Saiyans are fools. You haven't figured it out yet have you?" Ginyu coughed out

"Figured what out!?!" Gohan shouted

"Why we are here" Ginyu weakly smiled, his teeth covered in blood

They both knew. It was to kill Y/n, but they wanted to play dumb.

"Why are you here? It's to get revenge on Kakarot, right?" Vegeta coughed after he spoke. He felt the blood dripping from the small hole in his chest

"No, you stupid Saiyans. Word has it that a female Saiyan was looking for Frieza to kill him. We tracked her to Earth. We've been looking for her so Frieza can kill her himself" Ginyu chuckled

Vegeta already knew all of this but hearing the plan from one of Frieza's men brought anger to Vegeta. He clenched his jaw and exhaled hard

"It's okay, Vegeta. Get mad. I know you two are...mates" Ginyu said with an evil wink. Both Gohan and Vegeta stepped back in shock.

"" Gohan asked

"We sensed her energy from space and landed close enough to sense her but not too close to get discovered yet. We wanted to draw her to us. Her energy went dark almost immediately and we knew she was on her way to see the crash. We sent Nappa out to watch for her. She brought the Namekian with her and Frieza hatched the plan. If she was with the Namekian, she knew Goku. Frieza wants them both" Ginyu nodded as he laid his head back and closed his eyes. The news of another Saiyan being alive surprised the pair


"Yes, I know. Frieza brought him back as well. He had him hidden this whole time to surprise you. He's been watching Y/n like a hawk. He saw her at the Kame house. At the house in the woods. When she tried to come here alone. When you fucked her. And when you talked about your plan. He was there" Ginyu chuckled.

"And right now Frieza and his hidden weapon are waiting for Goku and your girlfriend to appear" Ginyu said with a smile.

Vegeta screamed and powered up to Super Saiyan 1. He felt so stupid for not realising Nappa was there the whole time. He failed to protect Y/n because Nappa was watching them. Frieza knew about everything

"GALIC GUN" Vegeta screamed as he shot his blast at Ginyu. Ginyu screamed in pain and disintegrated right before their eyes

"We have to get to them. NOW!!" Vegeta yelled at Gohan. Gohan helped Vegeta into the air but the Prince didn't have time to be cared for. He pulled away from Gohan and took off towards the ship, hoping he could get there before Y/n and Goku made their move

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