christmas miracle ➳ maria hill

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March 19, 2003

It was the dreaded moment of my life being actively deployed. One little speech that would make or break my life here and at home. But it was my duty to serve the country, to save it from destruction. "Captain L/N, you and your troop are now being stationed for combat in Iraq. Go home and tell Maria that this might be the last time you'll see her." My commanding officer saluted me for my service, smiling like a proud parent.


"Maria? I'm home!" I called through our shared condo, tossing my duffle bag onto the couch and shedding my coat, resting it on the back of a chair. "Mar—" A screech was heard across the house near the sliding doors and rapid footsteps reminding me of the horses on our base. She jumped into my arms and curled her legs around my waist and spun. The news I was about to share would destroy her.

"Y/N, you're-you're home." Maria spoke, panting and out of breath. She hopped down from her high horse, grasping my hands in hers.

"Not f-for long. Just the night. First thing tomorrow or later tonight, my troop has to go to Iraq. I don't know how long it's gonna be, love." For a second, her face was covered with a broken heart but gone just as fast as it came and she was rushing me to any flat surface. If this were our last night together for a while, why not spend it the best way possible?


When I rolled over in our bed and checked the bedside clock, it was about 11:30 of May 19. I got one good look at her face, stole a picture from a frame and left. Just like I was never here. She had a small note behind in my wake but my body? Pretty much never here. The car outside was silent, the bright lights dimmed as so not to alarm the surrounding neighborhood.

Little bits of gravel were thrown up behind the car as Jackson, the youngest of my troop, sped down the road to make it to the airport in time. "Hey, Captain. How did Maria react to the news? Margaret didn't handle it well." Tyler asked to make this less than enthusiastic car ride lively. Margaret, his wife only a mere 19 compared to his 23, was a flame you couldn't contain. She could blow at any moment.

"Maria, for about all of five seconds, thought about hitting me and then we wrapped it up, if you're catching my drift." The men and women clapped me on the shoulder and gave a sarcastic 'ha ha' to make me feel better about what we were walking in to.


Fifty troops consisting of 250 soldiers bundled up into a C-17. We were the first fleet, hoping to just intimidate Iraqi government. At least that's what President Bush hoped to do against alleged weapons of mass destruction. That's what this war is for, our government suspects these people are building weapons of grave destruction in their backyard. Weapons that could end humanity in several heavily populated areas if Saddam Hussein said so.

"Hey, Captain." Jackson mumbled and looked over at me nervously. He was just 18, fresh out of his senior year and had a stunning jock smile. I took a peaked over at him from my peripheral.

"Yeah, Jack?" He licked his lips and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. At a rhythm, his feet tapped to a familiar song so I tapped along to calm him.

"What if I die? Am I going to die?" The older kids of my troop snickered at the practically baby faced 'man' asking their captain a quite obvious question, a valid one at that.

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