its you ➳ bucky barnes (1/2)

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One way that this has already gone bad is I don't even have a name to address you by. So that's just dandy.

I'm Y/N but most call me Y/N/N and I'd be happy for you to be a part of that.

I guess I have some 'splaining to do? Maybe about why I have your PO box or maybe who I am.

Turns out I couldn't reject a little boys request for me to make new friends. He was very persistent in me messaging you. Kept on insisting I send this letter to you.

I guess I should tell you who I am. Or what I do. I'm a high end club owner, the most popular one in New York. Maybe you've been there but just thought you should know.

This could turn into something great, who knows? This may all seem a little out of place so I won't blame you for tossing this into the rubbish bin. I would hope you'd consider at least writing back?

     With regards,


I have been to your club, once. With friends. Specifically Tony Stark. I was forced to have one wild night out so he suggested the club. Thanks for making the experience worth while.
About me? I'm just a shy soul. Quiet but sort of out going. I own a big library here in the Bronx. I know, not very exciting but it keeps me going. The joy people get out of reading has its effect on me. Calming of sorts, you know?

Your life seems exciting. Club owning? Sounds like a great laugh. I imagine it's a bit of a ruckus having to pick the dancers and employees, ones that meet the standards I'm 100% sure you have. My library isn't hard to pick for. They just need to be polite and patient. The looks aren't anything for me. If you're quiet, thats a plus. My weekends are spent sitting behind a desk, organizing things, ordering new books and being relaxed. I'm most certain your weekends are crazy in a good sense.

A few things I like:

Books, obviously. And movies. Calming movies, like the fifties. And if I decide to flourish out of that, Marvel Movies. I always flourish out of my norm for that. And then there's coffee. Coffee is my Jesus, my saviour. I can't live without it.

Piano music is a blessing, or calming music. But enough about me, I'm rambling.

What are some things you like, Y/N/N? I've had a fairly busy but relaxed week (?) how about you?

Next time,



I can call you Buck, right? I hope so. My brother just dropped my nephew off for the next week because he's going on vacation with his wife. You know what the first thing he asked me?

He asked me how talking to you was. Like he actually knew who you were. I told him I actually looked forward to spending time of my very strenuous and active day writing you. Sitting down, at home, with apple cinnamon candles and piano music ( very calming and different from the club music I'm used to, thanks Bucky ) is good for me.

With owning a club, ordering any and everything, I haven't had much time to think about anything other than the club:

God, I'm a sucker for fifties movies. They're so calming, and there's not as much phallic involvements or anything there is today. I could binge watch those movies with you if you're up for it. I realize that's a little forward and if it's intruding on your life, that's okay. Not now then.

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