Chapter 17

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We remained in silence for some time. My brain seemed to have shut down. My usual self would have freaked out. I am sitting next to the God of Mischief, who has been staying at my house for the past month and who also happens to be my childhood obsession. I was singing to him like a few minutes ago and he actually enjoyed it. A chuckle escapes and it breaks the silence. He lifts his head, revealing puffy red eyes. Oh god that look...It breaks my heart. But it has me frozen...

''What?'' he asks, voice hoarse and husky causing me to gasp. I shake my head and try to remember what he is referring to. Ugh, yes!

''It's nothing...Just...Don't you think that's funny?'' I half chuckle, half laugh

''What is funny?''

''This! You hated me a few hours ago!'' I can't believe I just said that. What the-

''A lot can change in a few hours...'' this takes me by surprise. I really didn't expect that. I-I don't know what to answer to that! Loki-1, Danai- 0. I grab my phone, trying to escape this stressing conversation. 15:56.

''Oh shit!'' his head snaps to me as I hurry and wear my shoes, without socks let me add.


''I have to pickup my siblings!'' I answer without thinking

''You mean these brats that make all this noise? Didn't they leave?'' I freeze. They did. They are spending the summer with our granddad and grandma. Ugh, I need sleep! I get up annoyed, kick my shoes off and head to the closest bed in order to hide my shame in my pillow. Blindly, I make a few steps and-

''Wrong bed...'' I hear a voice say the second I am about bury my face in it. What? Shit! Loki's bed! In an instant I am on my feet and apologizing.

''Loki, I am so sorry! I don't know why I did that! I-I don't-''

''Sleep. You need it.'' I am stunned for once more. I force myself to swallow the lump that has been formed in my throat.

''What do you mean?''

''Your eyes look really tired and the circles under your eyes are getting darker by the day'' he explains without facing me. I am speechless. Indeed, my sleeping schedule is inexistent. I go to sleep very late at night and wake up very early because my back hurts owing to the terrible mattress of my new bed. But I daren't complain to anybody because my dad will probably kick Loki out of the house so I get my bed back.

''Sleep.'' he repeats after standing up and motioning towards his bed

''It's okay, I will do so on my bed!'' my attempt to escape leads to failure as he is having none of that

''Your mattress is hard as stone. Sleep here.'' his expression, hard and intimidating yet still soft, leaves no room for 'buts'. Once again I swallow and do as he says. He hands me the covers and draws the curtains in order to create a dark environment, suitable for me to sleep.

My heart is beating painfully fast. My mind works ten times as fast as it is supposed to. I try to calm myself and close my eyes. However I can hear what is going on in the room. Loki sits on a chair and picks something up. The sound of pages turning and paper crinkling can be heard. He is reading a book. I cannot resist the urge to open my eyelids and see. He looks so peaceful...His sharp features are relaxed, emphasizing his high cheekbones. Green orbs moving smoothly and fixed on the words of the book while trying to concentrate and small, red lips calm.

A smile forms on my face. I have never seen him peace! It is the face of someone who feels at ease and comfortable. At home. And I am happy I had a part in that. And even happier that he feels at ease around me. Those are my last thoughts before my eyelids finally give in the exhaustion...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Everything is blurry at first. My eyes find it difficult to focus due to the bright sunlight. A few painful seconds later, I am finally able to take in my surroundings. I am in the middle of a garden. A beautiful garden. Fresh, bright green grass tingles my feet. Wait, why am I barefoot? And where did this dress come from?

Looking around, there are dozens of different plants and flowers filling a huge space. Reds, yellows, pinks, whites and blues and greens. All organized and in order but so carelessly placed at the same time. In harmony. Their scent filling the air around me. A combination of sweet and light and strong scents cause a feeling of euphoria inside of me. The fresh air fills my lungs, reminding me of the atmosphere on the mountain.

''Beautiful, isn't it?'' i snap my head around in terror, trying to identify the unfamiliar voice. In front of me is standing a tall and lean woman in the most elegant dress I have ever seen. Her hair is styled in a high bun that looks like it took hours to make. Suddenly I feel insecure about myself.

''Do not fret my child.'' her voice is soft and confident. I look at her face for the first time and realisation hits me

''Frigga?!'' my heartbeat increases. What is going on? Where am I? Isn't Frigga supposed to be dead?

''Yes, it is me. And yes, I have joined the dead in Valhalla. Now calm your mind, everything will become clear shortly.'' I try to follow her advice and get myself together. Everything is so odd. Well, you have been living with a god, so a dream is supposed to be weirder than reality. But how can I be sure this is a dream? She chuckles. She must have read my mind again.

''Take a walk with me.'' she says and starts walking. Taking a deep breath I follow her and we head to a little path in the back of the garden.

We walked and we walked and we walked...I have to admit though, the scenery is extrodinary. It may seem like nothing special but it is unique to say the least. But it wasn't enough to keep my curiosity at bay. So the whole time I would just stare at her and expect answers or cough in order to get her attention or even make unnecessary moves. And every time I got ignored I would curse inside but instantly regret it, as there was a possibility she was reading my mind. This didn't stop until...

''Well, I do believe I owe you some answers.'' I couldn't contain my excitement. She chuckled and proceeded

''Do you believe in Fate, my dear?'' by the time she asked that we had found a place to sit and rest. Her question took me by surprise. I haven't really thought about it...Do I?

''I am not sure...I think I do enough to acknoledge her existance.'' i reply after thinking about it a bit.

*Fate is a female godess in ancient Greece*

''Good. And what if I told you that your and Loki's fate was to meet each other?'' I jerked my head towards her.

''What? How do you know that?''

''I am not sure, my daughter.''

''But that's impossible. He hates me.'' she chuckles once more

''You have a kind heart, Danai. Don't let my idiot of a son ruin it. You have you own fire. Use it to your advantage.'' she placed her hand under my chin and lifted my head. I took the chance to look into her eyes. There was so much emotion in there that I couldn't stand it.

''You really love him, don't you?'' she let my head and chuckled for the last time, I would find out later.

''I am afraid our conversation must come to an end, my dear.'' and with that she placed two fingers on my temple and forehead.

My second chanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora