Chapter 8

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We ate in silence. I continued to give Tony death looks for his previous comment but he seemed unaffected. I had ordered seven small pizzas which seemed to be more than enough as ten minutes later all five of the Avengers except for Thor of course were laying on my couches holding their bellies and nearly unconscious while I was going strong for my forth piece. They had certainly eaten more than me but they ate too quickly to digest. On the other hand, there was Thor who looked like he could eat a lot more.

It is now 3:50.

"Oh my god... um.. I have to go pick up my siblings from school. I'll be back in  ten." I informed them while putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys.

"Do you have a license?"

"No, it's like two minutes on foot"

"Are you going to walk there?" Stark asked as if I just told him I am running a marathon.


"Sounds exhausting" stark says. Ignoring him, I got out of the house and closed the door behind me.

On our way back, I explained the situation to my siblings. They were delighted to meet the Avengers and especially my sister who loves the Black widow. I also informed them of the possibility of Loki staying with us and the both agreed that mum and dad are never going to let that happen. My sister also winked at me because she knows Loki is my favorite character in the MCU but that's because I love the actor...After hard convincing they agreed to listen to me for once in their short lives and go straight to their rooms and do not ask for an photograph or autograph.

Long story short, we arrived home and the situation went somehow like this.

There are six awkwardly smiling faces on the one side and two amazed one the other. Thor is also waving at them. After seeing that this situation could continue forever I reminded

''Myrto, John, upstairs now'' with that they unfroze, picked up their dropped schoolbags and starting heading to their rooms giggling and saying things like

''She is prettier from up close!''

''Do you think Mr. Stark could fix that old toy I have?'' guess who said which...

I apologized on their behalf, but everyone comforted me by saying 'they were cute' or 'you should have let them stay' and I was like 'trust me you don't want that'.

Anyways, two hours left until my parents return. The nervousness is becoming far too much for me to bear. My heart is beating faster, I cannot concentrate and I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I guess I am hiding the fact that I cannot breath normally very well because the others haven't noticed, or at least haven't commented on it. For the last two hours we discussed about pretty much everything. About how uncomfortable Thor's armor looks, the money Stark spends to make each suit, how Hawkeye's arrows work and then about me. I talked about my family, my hobbies, what am I studying etc.

''So you are an athletic one, aren't you?''

''Well, yes'' I answered giggling

''I cannot imagine you running! I am not the only one, right?''

''As a matter of fact you aren't.'' I looked down and half smiled because...there were a lot of times when I thought I am not indeed good enough to do track but there were always people who would tell me otherwise and manage to cheer me up. I again looked up and saw the cheeky smiles on the Avenger's faces. I felt my cheeks flush and a stupid grin formed on my face.

''Yeah yeah, we are modest and stuff!'' I looked at the rest of them and started laughing out loud.

We spent the rest of the time learning about each other. Of course I knew almost everything because of the movies but I listened carefully no matter what. It's one thing knowing things about someone without them knowing and another telling you themselves. We talked about what foods we like, what we don't like, and basically everything I would never imagine discussing with the Avengers.

And mum called

''Y-Yes?'' I answered shaking and trying to sound normal. Everyone around me were watching carefully and ready to help me out if needed. I felt horrible inside. I didn't know what to do. I felt like she would faint if I told her THE Avengers are here but that felt like the right thing to do.

''I'll be home in half an hour with your father. Could you take the chicken out of the freezer?'' classic mum stuff

''Umm yes. Where are you now?'' I hope dad is not driving because he is going to crush the car after hearing what I am about to say.

''We are having lunch. See you in a bit.''

''Wait, I need to tell you something.'' everybody suspected what I am going to do and grimaced

''What happened?'' she sounded worried

''No it's nothing but we have visitors...''

''What, who?''

''I am not kidding and do not scream. The Avengers..''

''Oh my god, you watch too many movies'' of course she doesn't believe me. So I call her on face time and show her our living room. She narrows her eyes trying to understand who are these people as she isn't a big fan of movies. My dad's head pops up behind her and his eyes widen instead.

''We will be there in ten!'' and with that they hang up. Now it's my turn to grimace and we are left looking at each other in silence.

''Well, that could have gone worse'' I agree. Now we just wait. For some strange reason I feel like everything is going to go fine. Which is very odd for me as I am constantly worried over something.

Not long after I hear Sugar (my dog) barking and the fence opening. Without waiting for the bell I stand and head towards the door. I open it while my parents are ready to ring the bell. Once they realize what has happened and recover after their initial shock they enter. I am actually surprised that they got here alive. I can only imagine how fast my dad had been driving but I have to admit he is a very skilled driver.

Their reaction was the exact same as mine. They sat in the corner and just stared at them. At some point my dad went to speak but regretted it. Soon, he came back to reality and said.

''Please explain..'' wow they are really my parents. And the Avengers did. Everything this time. Including what they want from me: to take care of Loki. Once my parents heard that they froze. Do they even know Loki? I am sure not. But before they could answer Thor interrupted.

''I have a very strong feeling I am familiar with you'' he said pointing to my dad. What is he talking about? My dad looked at me and sighed. What's going on? I am starting to get nervous.

''You were the one that saved me from the Chitauri...'' I am speechless. it is true. My dad went on a business trip to New York last year. But he never told me he was in danger. How could I be so stupid of course he was in danger, that's why he was so shook when he came back!

''That's right, I remember you now.'' how can they be so calm, he could have died!

''WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ANYTHING?'' I was screaming by now. I cannot believe it.

''There was no reason to, nothing happened!''

''BUT IT COULD HAVE'' tears are running down my cheeks. I can't look at them anymore. I run to the kitchen to calm down. But someone catches my wrist and stops me. I just hope it's not my dad for his own good. Thankfully it is Thor. He has a pleading look on his face. It confuses me for a moment but then I understand. This isn't about me , it is about Loki. The man who almost killed my father. No, don't think that, he needs help! I take a deep breath and look at the others. They are standing and looking at me same look as Thor. I sigh and tear my wrist from him.

My second chanceΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα