Chapter 4

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I close the door and slowly slide down against it. Thor looked so sad...It made my heart throb. I should have said yes. But how was I supposed to take care of Loki? My parents would most definitely say no. But I do not have to think about it anymore, I have already rejected.

Some voices from the outside disturb my thoughts. I frown as I thought my unexpected guests have left and concentrate to listen what they are saying

''Happy now Stark? Your wish was fulfilled, Loki is not coming to Earth'' A voice I recognize as Thor's says

''Don't get smart with me now! It is common sense. No one would let that criminal stay with them, a kid being no exception! Your brother is a monster, he killed innocent people for fun. So if you are going to put the blame on m-'' I have heard enough. With every hurtful word, every name he called Loki my heart skipped a beat. No should be labelled like that. He may have done some bad things but I am damn sure there is a reason behind all of that. And I am going to find it.

I turn around, open the door and scream

''I WILL DO IT!'' then everyone turns around and stares at me like I am crazy. I catch a glimpse of a small smile spreading across Thor's face but it disappears the moment it comes.

''You don't have to do it if-'' Thor goes to say but I interrupt him

''Get in before I change my mind again'' He practically hops in the house which makes me laugh and the others shake their heads in disappointment at the huge dork. It is nice to know that underneath all those muscles there is a sensitive person. We all head back inside and take our places back in the living room.

''So do you all know who I am? I know some of you do...'' I say glaring at Thor who looks apologetically at me

''Well, we do not know your name but the fact that you are willing to let Reindeer Games stay here says a lot about your mental health... '' Stark finishes with a cheesy smile at which the others roll their eyes and Barton grins, which I happened to notice and only angered me even more. I knew Stark was sarcastic and I actually admired him for it, but that was not an acceptable kind of sarcasm, to me at least. He was furious that I agreed to Thor's idea and made sure I knew it. There were so many things I knew about him and could throw at his face but that was not me. I am not one for revenge.

''Well my name is Danai and I am 17...well 18 in a few months'' I notify. I don't take my eyes off of his.

''You look a lot younger than you actually are...'' Banner comments those being his first words since they got here. They are not very talkative I must say.

''I know.'' I answer in an annoyed tone while smiling. Dr. Banner has done nothing bad to me soI think he is worth of a welcoming smile. He seemed a little out intimidated when he arrived here so I want to make him feel at home.

Then a realization hits me like a wall.

''My parents are going to be furious when I tell them about this. And they are probably going to say no'' Everyone seems discouraged by that

''Then we are going to help you persuade them...'' I smile at Thor and nod. I know it's not going to be enough but we will figure that out later. There is silence for a moment and I decide to prevent the situation from getting even more awkward than it already is.

''Have you guys even eaten breakfast?'' i ask positive that the answer is going to be 'no'. Clint goes to give me the anticipated answer but Thor's stomach beats him to it. I stifle a laugh and say

''Does everyone want pancakes?'' they nod their heads multiple times

Without answering I head to the kitchen and prepare the pancake butter. I begin making them when I am startled by a voice behind me.

''Need any help?'' Natasha says. The spatula flies off my hand and a scream escapes my lips. Being the trained spy that she is, she catches it in the air by only moving her arm and watches my frightened face turn into relieved one. I let out a sigh, take the tool back and continue my pancake making.

''You should have stayed, they might tear my house apart'' she chuckles and says

''They are not that bad!'' I give her a look and she corrects herself ''Okay, maybe...''

''Anyways, I am almost done, I just need help transferring them to the living room.'' I say as I put the last pile of pancakes onto a plate. I take two large trays and divide the plates onto them. I also take the siryp and one of the trays and head out followed by Natasha holding the other one. Once they see the food approaching they start cheering like fans in a football match. I roll my eyes and look at Natasha.

''You were saying..?'' She just chuckles

We get to the table and I give each one their own. Thor of course has the largest pile and I the smallest as I have already eaten some cereal. The first bites are taken and everyone seems rather pleased by the dish which makes me proud.

''Lady Danai, these are the most delicious pancakes I have ever eaten!'' Thor says in a quite loud voice while eating more

''Well thank you. Is everyone happy?'' I say looking around. They all nod with mouths full of food and even Bruce smiles. Well that's a first...

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