1; The fair maiden is our bard

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It wasn't always this way for (Y/n), but she was a story teller for a reason.

  How did she end up in the castle as bard? Well, it wasn't just beauty, oh no. The king's son had not been sleeping very well with high fever, so he took it upon himself to scour high and low for some sort of remedy or treatment for his ailed son. Just as the king had nearly given up; the singing of a woman caught his attention.

    Young (Y/n) at the ripened age of eighteen was a lightener raised by one of the servants in the castle, brought up to work as house keeping. There was something enchanting about her voice, making those around her calm and a few sleepy. The king beckoned her forwards, telling her that if she could help his son then she will be allowed to move up in ranks, an untouchable. Very few had gained such a position, where you could be freed to sing and act as you could; with limitations of course.

    So as said, the young maiden was escorted to the Prince's bed chamber with a violin in hands. The mere child was discomforted much more than a few days before. The girl had tuned her wooden violin beforehand, and setting the bow atop the chords she played a song all the while singing;

Little baby, hear my voice
I'm beside you, O maiden fair
Our young Lady, grow and see
Your land, your own faithful land

 Sun and moon, guide us
To the hour of our glory and honour
Little baby, our young Lady
Noble maiden fair

Little baby, hear my voice
I'm beside you, O maiden fair
Our young Lady, grow and see
Your land, your own faithful land

 Sun and moon, guide us
To the hour of our glory and honour
Little baby, our young Lady
Noble maiden fair

 The song itself had set the royal child into a comforting slumber, the doctors having given him medicine that'll dwindle the heat of the fever. With only a bow (Y/n) had returned outside of the room, only to be swarmed by the castle's workers and The king himself. He asked the girl how it went; demanding to know, to which she assures him that the boy will be fine in a few hours. Impressed by her talents, the king had kept hold of his promise by moving her up to the position of The court bard.

  Over time she being the only court entertainment left from the previous staff, (Y/n) gained quite the reputation among the kingdom. So big in fact that whenever the king were to go through with one of his rampages she would be sent in to play a song to calm his nerves.

   Most of the time she would spend with the prince, ten years younger than the maiden, playing songs of wonder or of fantasy lands from stories she had read.
  Remember, a bard is more than just a musician and a singer; (Y/n) was a story teller that used song to spread these tales..

     One evening as close as it could get in this world, (Y/n) was prepping herself in her night gown for the long slumber ahead. As she sat there, brushing out her locks in front of the plain vanity, she swore she could hear humming.

    "There's a light inside your soul..."

She had never heard such a voice before, it sounded ancient but full of youth. "Eh? W-who's there?" she asked, not expecting a reply. But to her surprise a voice called back; "Oh? You like my singing, singing?" Somehow, someone was speaking to her through the mirror upon the ancient dresser, though (y/n) could see nobody.

  "It's rather lovely. But, who are you?" The voice seemed amused with her curious nature. "Why my fair lady, You may call me as you wish."  "May I call you an angel?" It stops the mysterious voice. 'A-angel?' it questions her decision. "Of course, of course you may, my dear!" She smiles shyly. "Now now, what of yourself my dear? What is your name?"

 "I'm (y/n)..."

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