His Poem; Part 2

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His Poem; Part Two

Isn't there more to this game we keep playing.

The truth in the words we're not even saying

We fight for the fun of it

Because there is no end

To the war between us

That happens over and over again

With or without you

My life would still be the same

Going around with a burden

That I call my name

When I see you with her

My eyes start to burn and my heart begins to hurt

The tears flow in silence

My thoughts filled with hatred

My goals changing before my eyes

The dreams I believed in so strongly

Begin to shatter and now I'm alone

In what we call reality

No comfort is there

When the truth is now clear

You love her and I am...

I don't know what I am any longer

Haley says I treat you badly

And maybe it's true

For the past month

All I did was yell at you

But only because I was scared

That I no longer existed to you

And now it's all over

For what I've said and done

The evil of wanting has won

I wanted to leave you

And now I am

But I'm not satisfied with the end

Of our story that I continue to write and to live

When we say good-bye

I know we'll say hello again

Will it be when things truly turn rough

When my last choice is to turn to you

Or will it be when I die and my last wish

Is to see your face once more

I can't tell the future

I know from my past

That our present together

Can no longer last

(C) Copyright October 5, 2010

Christina aka BeautifulWriter224

All Rights Reserved


Hoped you liked it :)

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