You'll Never Know

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This is where it began

This is where it will end

A happy ending

A sad beginning


You'll never know


Are you willing to change

Like I've changed for you

Willing to give up things

That I gave up for you


You'll never know


Can you replace what you've already done

Leaving me with memories

One by one

Leaving their scars, leaving pain


You'll never know


You told me good bye

Not once, not twice

A millions times

Over and over


You'll never know


How much I hurt

How much I cried

For that final goodbye

Broke me inside


You'll never know


Took me forever

To get over you

Months wasted

On the guy I thought I knew


You'll never know


Once you left

I felt nothing more

You won the game

You had the higher score


You'll never know


Met someone new

Someone who cared

Someone who loved me

Who was always there


You'll never know


Figured out who I was

You kept me down

Never picked me up

From the ground


You'll never know


Now you're back

You want me now

Figured out how much you lost

But I'm not sure you'll gain


You'll never know


Now I have to think

About what you've done

Too bad I'm pretty sure

I've won


You'll never know


All I lost

All I gained

Back where it belongs

With me to stay


You'll never know


I'm not ready

To take you back

Realize that

We'll never be the same


You'll never know



Because you can't change

Because you're no different

From the time we met

To the time we said goodbye


I'll never know

Who you are

Who you've been

I don't wanna figure out


So I guess, we'll never know.


Written by BeautifulWriter224 aka Christina

Copyright (c) 3.1.2011

All Rights Reserved.

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