Chapter 8

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*Ariana's point of view*

"Ari, wake up and come eat breakfast!" I hear Lexie's voice while she shakes my arm several times.

"I'm awake, but give me five minutes please." I grown and cover my face with a pillow because I already know I look terrible from crying so much last night. I actually didn't get sleep at all last night. It's just that I just pretended like sleeping so no one worries, but I've been thinking all night about Harry and that woman. I honestly don't even want to know her name, I just hope I won't ever see her again.


I wake up because of the repeating sound of the doorbell and loud pounding which obviously won't stop until I open the door. I grown while getting out of the bed and check the clock which says 4:56 am in its glowing red. Who the hell knocks at 5 am on our door? I'm not sure if it's Harry because I believe he had his keys.

When I finally open the door I see Harry and by the strong smell of alcohol I know he has to be drunk.

"Harry, what the heck? Don't you have keys?" I complain while rubbing my eyes.

Abruptly he pushes me out of his way and I see a woman following him inside.The wind that comes through the door blows her black hair in my face.

"Why did it take so long for you to open that fucking door?tAw" He mumbles and I barely understand what he says.

"Who is that!?" I point at her with my hand and my voice raises without even wanting.

"Excuse me?" She shouts back with raised eyebrows and takes a step towards me when Harry comes in between us.

"Woah, calm down ladies. Ari go in your room and you, you come with me." He babbles to her with a drunk smirk while nearing her with one arm around her waist.

"Harry are you crazy?! Why are you bringing a complete strange brat in our house?! Bring her back to-"

Suddenly my head snaps to the left and my cheeks begins to burn. My eyes widen while I realize that my own brother just hit me. Tears begin to fill my eyes as I hold my hand on my cheek and the pain gets even worse. I can't believe he actually slapped me, he never hit me before and neither have I ever seen him drunk.

"Now go back in your fucking room at last!" He literally screams and kicks me against my shin. He tries to slap me again, but I'm able to dodge. I start to sob and run upstairs in my room as fast as I can before he hits me even more. I hear both of them laugh and I bang shut my door behind me. My vision is totally blurry and I am scarcely able to see through the tears that stream down my face.

My cheek burns extremely so I go into the bathroom and splash myself with cold water.

I right away know what to next do so I look for my phone and try to call Lexie. I'm barely able to see her name on the screen, but I manage to call her. She picks up right away, I tell her that I'm coming over and I'll tell her what happened when I'm there. I leave Harry a note so he knows where I am when he's sober again and won't call the cops.


I begin to cry when I think about it again and I'm glad that Lexie already went into the kitchen so she doesn't see me cry again. I quickly enter the bathroom to splash my face with cold water and try to look like I didn't just cry before make my way to the kitchen.

"Good Morning! I hope you slept well." Lexie smiles and I understand her gesture to sit besides her.

"Morning." The breakfast looks delicious and there are all kind of food like pancakes with multiple options to put on them or bread next to the toaster so when we put the cheese, that is besides them, it'd melt and more. But I'm honestly not hungry at all and even though it looks so good, it feels like I've lost my appetite for the whole next week when I saw the way Harry behaves when he's drunk and on that woman's side.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, realize that it's Lexie and turn my head to look at her. I noticed that I was staring at the table.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout me." I look down to not meet her eyes and fake a smile. I don't like lying to her, but I don't want her to worry about me either.

"I shouldn't even have asked. Of course you're not and I totally understand that. It's okay to not be okay. " She comforts and hugs me. She stood up so she's taller than me and rests her chin on my head. I wrap my arms around her and begin to sob again. She lets go of the hug and bows a little to wipe away the tears under my eyes.

"Look, I don't like to see you like this. We're gonna have fun today so you can forget everything. I want to hear you laugh again." Lexie tells me with a comforting smile and I just nod.

"Okay then get yourself ready 'cause we're gonna leave in one hour."

I check my phone to see if Harry tried to contact me somehow. One part of me is relieved that he didn't, but another part of me is disappointed. After that, I prepare myself to go with Lexie wherever she wants me to go with her. I just realized that she didn't even tell me where we'd go.

"Lexie, where are we even going?" I shout loud enough so she can hear me from the other room.

"We'll see. I actually didn't really plan anything I just want to have some fun with you!" She shouts back and I giggle because of her rashness.


I realized how short my chapters are so I tried to make this one a little longer, but I don't think that I succeed ._.

don't ever think the story ended because I didn't update. I'll tell you when the end comes don't worry c: but I'm not always able to go on the laptop bc my cousin is 24/7 on it so I'm only able to write in the morning when she's still sleeping

uhm well anyways, I hope you liked it so pls

vote!/comment!/maybe even share!


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