Chapter 7

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*Harry's point of view*

I wake up and directly go downstairs after I heard someone calling my name several times. When I reach the last stair the walls begin to fall apart. As soon as the ground under my feet vanishes, I fall down. It seems like there's no end and when I try to scream for help only a whisper is able to escape my mouth. Suddenly I became cushioned by an invisible object. It becomes visible and turns out to be a giant hand covered by a black fabric. The hand slowly closes and begins to squeeze me. I try to escape, but it's too strong.

My eyes go wide and it takes me a few minutes to realize that it was just another nightmare. I quickly grab the book on my night table to write it down before I forget it. As soon as I finish I put the book back where it was, lay my head back and sigh. I've had way too many nightmares in the last time.

I turn my head left and notice that someone's in my bed. I thought it would be Ari, but when I look closer I notice that it's not her because she doesn't have straight black hair.

Who the hell is that?

I silently climb out of bed and sneak on the other side of it to see the women's face without waking her up.

While taking in her features -her long eyelashes, tiny nose and her small red lips- I attempt to figure out how she landed in my bed and who she actually is. I realize that she's actually pretty. She doesn't seem familiar at all, but I'm trying my best to remember her face. Honestly, I don't know and I give up on that.

What did I do last night? Then I remember the party last night, but I don't even know how I got back home. That woman must be from that party.

I quickly grab my phone and search Zayn's name to call him while going into the bathroom so I won't wake her up.

Damn it. He doesn't answer. After that I try to call Niall and he actually answers.

"Hey wha-"

"Hold on, what happened yesterday?" I interrupt him because I only want to hear what happened and not have a long conversation with him.

"Uh, nothing much. Just the usual, I think. I don't remember everything though." I can clearly hear how sleepy he is. He probably just woke up.

"How did I get home?"

"Oh, you were with a women. I guess she wasn't that drunk 'cause I remember seeing you guys in your car and she drove " He says with big pauses between his words.

When did I even drink so much that I cannot recall anything he's telling me? it couldn't have been that much. I don't have a hangover at all, it's just that I don't remember anything. He's mumbling something, but I'm too deep in thoughts to keep listening to him.

"Okay, thanks" I say before hanging up.

After putting my phone back on the nightstand, I make my way to Ari's room to check if she's already awake.

She isn't there.

She's probably downstairs eating breakfast or something like that.

When I arrive in the living room I notice a piece of paper on the table, so I pick it up and read it.

I hope you're sober by now. I'm gonna stay a few days at Lexie's so don't worry about me. Don't even attempt to message or call me because I'm not gonna pick up. I cannot just forgive you for what you did.

Ariana x

I messed up. I still don't know what I actually did, but it obviously must have been something big. I can't stand this. I don't even know what I should do. I guess I'll let her have her space for a few days. At least I know where she is and I know she's safe there.

As I turn around I see that woman coming in my direction.


I know this chapter is extremely short and I'm sorry for that, but I'm really bad when it comes to making texts longer  (/).(\)

Anyway, I hope you liked it so pease

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