Chapter 2

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After we take our seats, a waitress with a friendly smile comes after a few minutes towards us.

Her curly blond hair's tight up in an elastic band and gets tamed by a black hair hoop . Her shirt is also checked in red and white and she wears a black pinny over it.

"Do you want to have a look at the menu of do you already know what you'd like to eat?" Mary - that's what her nameplate says- asks us while pulling her notepad and a pen out of her pocket.

Harry hands her a piece of paper, but I couldn't figure out what's written on it. She reads it before she nods and then leaves. What was that?

"What was on the paper?" I ask him when I turn my head back to him.

"You'll see." He answers with a smirk, but I bet he's just too lazy to answer.

"Tell me!" My curiosity won't let go.

"Calm down! I said you'll see." He really loves to teases me. I cross my arms and literally pout so I look like an angry little kid. Harry can't help but laugh and I join.

Suddenly the dream journal comes in my mind again and the thought of that dream doesn't let go. I have to know the rest of it, but I can't just tell him that I read it. He'll be mad at me I know that for sure. I have to ask him unobtrusively.

"Hey, I've gotta tell you about a weird dream I had last night." I cannot remember my last dream so I have to make it up.

"I was in a messy room and started to talk with someone and then that person rolled away in a shopping cart. The strangest dream I've ever had!" I describe him while throwing my hands up as if I couldn't believe what I dreamt.

Oh my god, I feel so stupid right now.

Harry looks at me with a confused face. I think he doesn't get my dream. Well neither do I.

"What kind of TV-shows are you watching, Ari?" He says with a chuckle and I'm not sure if he's laughing about me or my dream, but I just participate.

"What about you, Haz? Have you dreamt something in the last time?" I ask hoping that I'll get the answer I want.

"No not really. I guess you forgot that I wasn't home the last four days. And I've already told you once that - I can't explain it but - I'm not able to remember my dreams when I'm not in my own bed."

Dang it.

I totally forgot that.

Scratch that, I'll just read the rest when I'm alone at home again. In this situation I unfortunately cannot do anything else than wait.

The waitress comes from behind my seat and served our breakfast, I didn't even see her coming.

I can't believe what I'm see in front of me on my plate. It's french toast with grilled cheese and slices of bacon on it that form a smiley face.

We always used to eat this when we were younger, but not anymore which is pretty saddening. We had most of best moments when we were children and that's the main reason why I hate growing up. So many of our habits and routines ended because we became older and he started going out almost every night.

Now when I eat breakfast he always sleeps because I usually wake up earlier than him or he's still at someone else's house and I don't want to eat it alone because it was our thing which I can't just do alone. Also I can't wake him up at all in the morning so I only eat something simple.

"You still remember that?" I can't help but smile like crazy while cutting it in pieces and putting one in my mouth. I missed this so much.

"Of course I do! How could I forget this perfect breakfast? I'd eat it everyday, but I only want to eat it with you. It's literally the taste of our childhood." The two of us begin to laugh.

"Aw, that's so cute of you! I was actually thinking the same thing. You should wake up earlier so you can make it." I say while pointing at him with my fork.

"You cannot make me wake up earlier and you know that" we both laugh again because it's true. Not even an earthquake or even worse could wake him up.

"To be honest, I actually think it tastes better here than when I do it." He tells me without looking up from his plat. I can't believe he just said that.

"Are you kidding me? No! You're totally wrong! It tasted much better when you did it."

"Well, thank you. Maybe I'll think about waking again" he says and smiles while I couldn't even stop to smile since I saw what he ordered.


"Will you go out tonight?" I ask him trying not to show that I want him to go so I can read out of his dream journal once again. I really can't wait to read the end of that dream.

"No I don't think so. I really miss my own bed, you know."

"Oh, okay." Dang it. Maybe tomorrow?

Until we're done eating we talk about random things, but everytime I ask him what he does when he goes out at night he accomplishes somehow to change the subject.

We both finish our plates which are totally empty by now and Harry calls for the waitress so he can pay. He leaves some tip and we make our way back to his car.

When he starts the car I get a text. It's from Lexie.

'Hey let's meet up today! Seems like I haven't seen you in forever! Have you got time today? What about 4 pm at the mall?'

I show Harry the text and ask if that's okay. "Yeah just pick up when I call you to check if everything's okay."

Then I nod and text Lexie back.

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ilyy c:

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