37 - The Wounded Hound

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But Sandor was just too proud to admit that he still needs time to heal. He started complaining and making loud fusses, often shouting at the healers and at Meela.

Taking care of him was a heavy duty, something she never failed on doing. She bathed him, fed him, helped him dress, helped clean his wounds and accompanied him all day.

Sometimes when she was gone the children from the village would barge into the hut, trying to take a good look at the Hound. Although they were frightened at first, they soon found themselves warming up to him. But Sandor didn't like it. The kids were pitying him. Something he hated. Since a child.

The Hound never shouted at the kids, all he needed to do was to glare and they would just leave in fear. Except for this one girl, Sara. A little blonde girl no higher than his knee with bright blue eyes that could captivate anyone.

He was grumpy with the girl as he was with everyone  but Sara continued making frequent visits.

With Meela's presence. Without hers. With her mother's permission. Without it as well.

'Maybeh we could play sumday. I want to swing a shword on Olly. He is always mean with me.' Sara complained once to Sandor. She just turned 5 and still had trouble talking but nothing stopped her from spending time with him. At first he pretended to hate her, but soon he too started opening up.

'Yer can't even say 'sword'.What makes you think you can swing one?' He grumbled. They were all in the hut that evening. Meela, Sara, Sandor and the trio.

'Like Eela I can. I want to fight like her!' Sara exclaimed and Meela who was listening, tried her best not to smile at both of them. The bond they both had was beautiful. Sara wasn't this friendly with Meela or  Eela as she likes to call her. Sara simply preferred Sandor's company more.

'We can play hide and sheep together!' The girl suggested suddenly. And that was when the boy suddenly clapped his hand.

'What?' Meela asked.

The boy then excitedly dragged her outside eight the boys while Sara was alone with Sandor. Outside the hut, the boy took a plank wood and a marble. He placed the wooden plank on the 2 marbles and moved it.

He then pointed at the moving plank and back into the hut. It was hard to understand at first, but soon all three of them understood what the boy was trying to say.

'Well Sandor can move, but he doesn't have to use his legs.' Anguy suggested, and Meela grinned. They found an idea.

And thus after a fortnight's work, they surprised Sandor with a wheelchair.

But Sandor's reaction was unexpected. Though it wasn't surprising. His Wall-high ego was bruised, causing him to reject any idea of getting into a wheelchair.

'But Zandor..we cud play hide and sheek..' Sara pouted, feeling very disappointed, her lips curling downwards and her blue eyes looking at him with a look full of wonders.

'Please..' she whimpers and Meela couldn't help but smirk. Anyone could fall for this little girl's request. Let alone Sandor.

'Please,' Meela says too, jumping in joy on the inside when she sees Sandor sighing in defeat. He couldn't handle Meela's puppy eyes, and Sara, well all Sara had to do was nod and he would obey whatever she wanted.

Sandor couldn't help but wonder, if this is how it will be when he has his own children? A son of his own? Or a girl like Sara? Would he just obey whatever his children ask of him?

He chuckled with disbelief, knowing very well he would. His eyes sparkled with a supposed excitement. Something Meela noticed.

She stopped smiling when she saw him.

Beauty and the Hound - Sandor CleganeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora