↠ Being Strong

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The world was fuzzy around me. My head laid on Tauriels body and I was staring blankly, trying to comprehend what just had happened.

My eyelids felt heavy and I couldn't refuse the darkness that came over me. I was so tired. I wanted to give up. My grip on Tauriel's hand faltered and I closed my eyes.

"Keira!" Daylor yelled, while walking over the dead bodies of the orcs. "Keira!"

"Keira!" His brother screamed on the other side of the village. "Keira! Please!"

"Lass?" Dwalin called more at the entrance of the village. "Lass!" His eyes flew over the bodies, hoping he wouldn't find the familiar red hair of his friend.

Aragorn walked through the village, avoiding the bodies. His eyes scanned the ground, trying to find Keira.

She couldn't be dead, could she?

He shook his head, banning the thought out of his mind. He turned around the corner and froze when he recognized the red hair. He quickened his pace and kneeled down next to Keira.

"Keira?" He began while pulling her to her back. He was shocked when he saw the wound on her face and quickly searched for a heartbeat.


"I found her!" He screamed. "I've found Keira!"

Three pairs of footsteps were heard behind him and he looked over his shoulder to see her brothers and Dwalin ran over to them.

"We need to get her inside," he said while picking Keira up. Dwalin's eyes fell on Tauriel. "Is she..."

"Yes," Aragorn replied. "I've checked."

Faelar walked towards Tauriel and picked her up. "She doesn't deserve to lay here in the mud. Keira would want a proper funeral."

Aragorn turned on his heels and hurried towards the healing house.

He hoped with all his heart that she would survive it.

The pain was gone when I opened my eyes. Bright light shone into my eyes and I immediately recognized the grass field where I saw my parents again years ago.

My hands went to my face and I could feel that the wound was becoming a scar. I sighed and stood up while looking around. There was no one greeting me like last time.

I narrowed my eyes when I could see a figure approaching from afar. I took a couple of steps forward and my lips parted when I recognized him.


My legs were already moving and I ran towards him, tears starting to fall down my face.

He too quickened his pass and we met in the middle. I slung my hands around his neck and hugged him tight. I laughed. "It's really you."

His strong arms found their way around me. "Keira," he murmured.

I pulled back and kissed him with everything I had. I then put my forehead against his.

"I've missed you so much."

Thorin looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. "I know and I've missed you too."

I narrowed my eyes and watched him closely.

"Why does it feel like there is coming a but?"

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