Ooo Lala, What Lovely Curves

Start from the beginning

Ronnie Radke naked was extremely hot i thought, i bite down on my lip watching Ronnie scroll through his phone.

"It's Ryan, we got a interview in awhile", Ronnie turned to me with a apologetic smile on his face.

"That's OK your life doesn't stop just cause I'm here", how ever i did feel alittle sad that this moment was nearly over.

"I wish it wasn't either babe". he smiled "but later we can re-visit it if you want".

I stared at Ronnie as a huge smile spread crossed my face, "Sure" i purred Ronnie raised his eyebrow before shaking his head in amusement he continued to dress himself in the clothes he had from last-night, i tested my legs as i got up just to be sure, there was a slight ache but nothing to bad, "Looks like i ain't paralyzed then". i joked, i had feared by the size of Ronnie's ya know and the amount of times we done it i would have been.

Ronnie head snapped up to look at me his eyes filled with amusement, "Oh good girl, your getting so bad" Ronnie tutted there was a glint to his eyes i knew it meant he was thinking something naughty, "Maybe we didn't have enough sex then".

I held up my hands as he stepped closer to me shaking my head laughing, "Not enough? your kidding right?, i think your the bad one here Mr.Radke" i teased.

Ronnie laughed then stared at me for a moment before becoming serious "You said your on the pill right?". Ronnie looked worried.

"I am on the pill yes", the muscles in my legs protested as i turned my back to Ronnie and walked over to the white robe resting on the chair, it felt so soft and cozy.

"You brought them with you right? you didn't forget them because we didn't use a condom", he sounded stressed.

I wasn't stupid enough to have sex and not take precautions i knew very well Ronnie didn't wear any protection last night or just afew minutes ago, i wouldn't have had sex with him if i had forgotten my pill, without saying anything i walked over to my suit case searching for my pill box i pulled it out and shook it in-front of me, "Of course i didn't forget Ronnie".

"Thank fuck". he ran his hand into his hair ruffling it, "Go take it".

"OK, OK bossy" i smiled when i walked past him he caught my arm lightly and turned me into him giving me a long hard all tongue kisses i melted into him Ronnie pulled back leaving me wanting more, he lightly nudged me in the direction to the Bathroom slapping my bum. i jumped laughing, god i felt so happy at the moment i even had the biggest goofiest smile on my face ever in the mirror i ran brush through my hair brushed my teeth and then took my pill, i walked back out to Ronnie who now was pulling his shoes on, "See took it, happy?".

Ronnie stared up at me, "Ye i don't want any children yet, in the future yes but now i want to enjoy myself and i want to enjoy you", he grinned.

It didn't really bother me what he was saying because i felt to young to have any children yet i was only 21, "Don't worry i don't want a baby until I'm a least 30". talking about children made me feel uncomfortable.

"9 years of you to myself sounds great" Ronnie winked.

9 years? i felt stunned does that mean he hoped we were long term?, i bit down on my lip before answering, "Does that mean, ya know".

Ronnie got up to his feet walking towards me he pulled me into his arms kissing me softly, "I want you, there something about you that drives me mad" Ronnie brushed his fingers through my hair staring at me i didn't look away, "You're mine, i want you to be my Gurl", he smiled but i could see a hint of possession under-neath it all like as if the idea of another man got him angry.

"Your Gurl?" i breathed kissing his chin ever so lightly, "what does that make you?".

Ronnie tightened his arms around me tilting my head up, "it makes me your guy".

"just mine?" i whispered thinking of other girls who looked at him in lust the thought made me shift from foot to foot.

"Hey" Ronnie frowned, "When I'm with someone i don't cheat Liisa, if that's what your worried about".

"Its not you I'm worried about, its other girls", i felt guilt now from the look he was giving me.

"I don't do that, i ain't interested why would i want chicken when i have stake at home?" i laughed at his phrase Ronnie smiled down at me.

"So I'm stake now?" i poked his chest.

"ye and your tasty Gurll" Ronnie emphasised the word Gurl before lowering his head to nibbled on neck i squealed out loud i was a really ticklish person Ronnie found that out.

"OK, OK i get it" i laughed.

Ronnie ran his hands up my face kissing me before stepping back, "Look i got to go now, but i will see you later right?, Maybe we can go out for dinner, Bye Bye now Good Girl".

"of course you will, i like the sound of dinning out, Bye Bye Now Bad Boy", I smilled as Ronnie Grinned back at me, i realised i was smiling alot lately and i loved it thanks to Ronnie, i followed Ronnie over to the door and held it open for him he leaned in and kissed me one last time before waving, i watched as he disappeared down the hallway, i turned when i heard someone come out of a room mumbling curse words to themselves, Kasey my best friend looked a mess she lightly closed the door to Aaron's room before turning to stare at me, my mouth hung open and she went pale...NO WAY she defiantly had sex with Aaron, about fucking time i thought....


How I See Kasey >>>

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