A/N and 8. Swimming In Niall's Pool

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Hey guys!

So a lot of people have commented on this book, saying that I have copied genie_us's WattPad rant book because our titles were somewhat the same. That isn't true. I don't like copying, being copied, or being blamed that I am copying.

This is how I came up with my title:

I was bored and was reading this lame 1D fan fiction. It was about a girl and Harry and how they used to be friends, bla bla bla, Harry's beautiful green orbs, and all that boring stuff. The cover was all nice, the title sounded fancy, and BAM! The story ruined the awesomeness of the cover...

I have read other books on WattPad, and they drove me insane! So I came up with the title WattPad Drives Me Crazy. But imagine having your own website where you can write books and stuff. You see a book called "*insert random website name here* Drives Me Crazy!" This would be my reaction: :-O "But my website is the definition of perfection..." I would be sad to know that the website I had created had made someone mad.

So I also added the (And I Still Love It!) part. Because no matter how much you hate WattPad, you still log in and read books and stuff. You love and hate WattPad at the same time. So after all that "OMG YOU COPIED YOU'RE GONNA DIE HA HA HA COPY PANTS GO TO HELL BE A DEVIL WITH THOSE CUTE HORN STUFF HA HA" (nobody actually sent me a message like that, I made it up lol) kind of comments, I sent genie_us a private message, explaining everything. I have also changed my title, as you can see. If you have come here to hate on me, do leave. You don't see me hating on other books. And I also do not tolerate hate (well, no one does lol). Just saying.

So anyways, I will end this A/N here and start the real, actual chapter.


"Oh Niall, you hate me!" I yelled trying to escape from his grasp, but he was strong. I was being captured by the wanted gang, One Direction. Oh dear!

Luckily, their leader wasn't here.

"Look at me, Mary. Just look at me. I'm not going to hurt you."

I looked up at Niall's beautiful pools of blue. I was now relaxed. "I trust you," I said.

What? Does Niall even have blue eyes? (I'm not a directioner, I have no idea lol)

"Niall's pools of blue." Do ya wanna go swimming in them? You can drive your Land Rover to Victoria's Secret and buy a swimsuit. Then, on the way back, you can grab some carrots for Louis and a double choclatey-chip Frappucino from Starbucks for yourself.

Just no! Just call his eyes "beautifully calm blue eyes" or something idk

1. I looked in Niall's beautiful pools of blue, that were confused and worried.

2. I looked in Niall's tranquil blue eyes, that were filled with confusion and anxiety.

I prefer number 2. Pools of blue is just as annoying as orbs.

Wait a minute! I haven't made a rant about Harry's beautiful green orbs yet! *gasps*

This rant was a lot shorter than the others. Oh well. I'll make the next chapter longer, I guess. Bye!

My Love/Hate Relationship With WattPad (A WattPad Rant Book)Where stories live. Discover now