7. Wattpad Parents

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Part 1

In nearly every fanfic book, the main character runs off to live with Justin Bieber or 1D or something. Her parents? Naw, they don't exist, they don't care, whatever. They're only mentioned once anyway.


Why is the family only mentioned once? In the beginning book, the girl or boy lives with her/his younger sister Cassie, her/his grandmother named Lillian and her/his mother named Ally. Her/his father Mike is on a business trip. But by the middle of the main character forgets about his/her family.

I'll give y'all an example:

-The Beginning Of The Book-

Hi I'm Marco I live with my parents, grandma and younger sister I go to college but I still live with my parents I met Selena Gomez or something so now I'm going to be her boyfriend and live with her!

-The Middle Of The Book-

I don't got any family except Selena omg she is such a nice girl I can't even handle her awesomeness yassssss. We gonna adopt forty children from an orphanage make 'em our kids I'm gonna have my own family now like what upppp dawg?

See what I mean? Would you run off to live with a girl or a boy and forget your whole family? Nuh-uh!

Part 2

Parents that are super understanding and let their kids do anything they want. I can't explain this. I can only give examples. I just can't even...ugh!

Example Number 1: "Mom, can I drink 10 cups o' beer and wine?" "Sure sweetie, do whatever ya want."

Example Number 2: "Mother, may I go and steal some expensive evening gowns from Nordstrom?" "Of course you can, honey! You don't even have to ask me!

Example Number 3: "Yo, Stupid Motha may I buy a gun and kill some tough guys?" "Absolutely positively yassss my sweet son. Anything for a smart kid like you."

Example Number 4: I'm Vanessa I'm gonna go to this nightclub with Ike omg it's gonna be so cool there are going to be a lot of drinks and some psycho killers, alcohol addicts and stuff but my parents are soooo nice they let me do anything I want. "Go out, live a little. Have fun with your life! You need a wild heart (song reference here!)," they say to me. Omg I love my parents sooo much I never get to talk to them I only talk to them before going to nightclubs and getting drunk ha ha I'm so cool!

Just no. Your parents would never ever do that. Just no.

I might make another chapter about Wattpad parents. Stuff like this really annoy me!

I'll end this entry here. Bye!

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