Chapter 39

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Your POV
I slowly opened my eyes. Lights were beaming into my vision. I squinted to see my surroundings. I noticed a doctor and a nurse in the room. One looked over at me. "Ah! Look who's awake!" He said in a peppy tone. I looked around, confused.

I was still in the hospital. I moved my arms around and looked up and down at myself. I... I'm awake? I'm awake!! Finally!! I can finally physically talk to Oli! Wait.. oli.. where is he? I didn't see him in the room.

"Where's... where's my boyfriend?" I choked out. "He's in the waiting room. We'll be sure to being him in as soon as we're done with a few tests." I nodded.

He then ran a couple tests and asked me a few questions. After about 10 to 15 minutes, he walked out of the room and oli walked in. He ran over and hugged me tightly. "Y/N!!!!" He yelled. I hugged back.

He let go and kissed me. "I missed you so much. Do you know when they'll let you go home?" I shook my head no but as soon as oli asked, the doctor walked in and heard.

"She should be safe to go home tomorrow. We want to keep her 1 more day just to be sure" We both nodded. Me and oli continued talking and I laid in the bed, oli laid next to me.

I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.

The next day, the doctor ran a few more teststo make sure I was stable, then, we signed out and got in olis car and began driving home.

"So I was thinking that you can go home, put your stuff away and we can go to callums to see everyone for a few hours" Oli suggested. I nodded in agreement and looked out the window the rest of the car ride.

Once we made it home, I went upstairs and laid down far a bit. It felt amazing to lay in my own bed again. Oli then came upstairs and asked if I was ready to go to callums. I said yes and we both drove over.

Oli went in before me. When I walked in, everyone ran over to me and hugged me tightly. They all kept saying how excited they were to see me again. We all sat down on the couch and talked about what everyone was up to the past 3 weeks.

"So.. what's the deal with your guys wedding????" Lizzie asked. "Well, we're a little behind on the planning but we should still be on track in no time hopefully" I said. Oli smiled and nodded.

We all watched movies and played games for a few hours until it was time for everyone to go home. I said bye to everyone and me and oli drove home.

I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed. Oli laid next to me and he fell asleep before me. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling a bit longer before drifting off to sleep.

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