And then there was our physical appearances. Annie was a tiny girl. Barely pushing 5"4. She had long, curly black hair with mean dark, brown eyes. Her face was slimmer and longer than mine. We only had two similarities: our noises and our you're-definitely-hades's-kids-pale skin.

I pushed any further thoughts of him out of my mind and trudge my way to the fields. When I arrived Chiron was talking to a pink haired girl. She was facing away from me so all I saw was the back of her. And boy did it look nice.

"Ah, how kind of you to finally join us Michael." Chiron said when I drew closer.

"Yeah, sorry. Annie needed help with shelving some stuff on high shelves. You know how hard it is for her, being so tiny and all." I lied. It was a shitty lie, but I was so focused on the pretty pink hair girl standing in front of me to even attempt to lie better.

Chiron gave me a look that clearly said he didn't by it, but didn't push the matter further. "No matter, you are here now so we can discuss the issues at hand."

I shifted uncomfortably and glanced around the field. Others were keeping a close eye on me. Especially Demeter's children. "Listen, Chiron, can we like discuss this somewhere else?"

He frowned, sensing my discomfort. "I'm afraid not Michael. This has to with what I wanted to speak to you about."

I looked at him in confusion until he gestured to the pink haired girl. "Michael I'd like you to meet Evelyn Grace."

She smiled brightly and held out her hand for me to shake. I gave her one of my signature smiles that typically had girls falling to their feet as I took her hand in mine.

"She's a daughter of Demeter." Chiron added.

Immediately my hand retracted from hers and I backed away a step. For a fraction of a second, she frowned, but quickly went back to smiling, though it wasn't the same as before. I turned to Chiron, expecting him to be furious with my actions. However, I was only met with a sad expression. He was expecting me to act that way.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Michael." She said softly. Her voice was warm and inviting. She even had an accent that clearly wasn't American. Every fiber of my being told me to run.

I ignored her and looked up at our camp director. "Why am I here Chiron?"

"You have not been attending to your duties at the armory." He held up his hand just as I was about to interject. "You have not, so I am reassigning you to work in the fields."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious. This is some joke right?"

He frowned. "I'm afraid it's not a joke."

Anger started bubbling inside me and I had to force myself to not blow up. My hands tightened into fists and I clenched my teeth. "We had a deal Chrion. You said I never had to work the fields."

"If you kept up with your work in the armory." He added. "But you have not fulfilled your end, so now I am forced to end our agreement."

"You can't do this!" I yelled.

"You have left me with no other choice." He said calmly, ignoring the fact I had just blown up.

I got closer to Chiron and glared at him. "Fuck you and fuck this stupid camp. I'm done."

I turned and stormed my way to the cabin. Once inside I started randomly shoving things into my backpack. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fit all of my stuff, but I didn't care. I was so sick of Camp Half-blood and I wanted out.

I made sure my uncle's ring and my picture of me, Annie, and my mom from last summer tucked away safely in my bag before exiting the cabin. The sun was already setting so I headed towards the forest so I could shadow travel.

"Michael!" A voice called out behind me as I reached the forest. I didn't have to look behind me to know who it was.

"Go back Melanie." I yelled over my shoulder.

"Not until you explain to me fully what you're doing and why you're doing it." Her voice was getting closer. She was getting closer.

I glanced at the sun and prayed to Apollo that the sun would set faster. "I'm leaving."

Melanie caught up to me and gripped my shoulder. "Why are you leaving?"

I shook her hand off. "Because I hate it here."

She grabbed onto me again. "What's the real reason?"

I stopped and faced her with a serious expression. "I don't have to tell you. Now go back Annie."

She made no attempt to move. "So where are you gonna go now? Because you can't go back to Karen."

I cursed under my breath. She was right. Leaving camp would attract monsters and if I went to my mom, they would go to her. I couldn't put her in danger.

I averted my eyes to the tree lines. "I'll go see Hades."

"That's a lie and we both know it."

I turned my back to her and started walking again. The sun was almost gone. I'd be able to shadow travel in minutes. Behind me I could hear the sound of footsteps and I quickly turned around. Melanie was following.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

Annie shrugged. "What does it look like? I'm going with you."

I shook my head. "No. No way. You are staying."

She scoffed. "If you think for one second that I would let you go by yourself then you have another thing coming."

"You belong here Annie." I sighed.

Her face was soft, but she had a hard, determined look in her eyes. And she spoke with certainty as she said "I belong with my brother. Where ever you go, I go."

The two of us shared a look. I knew then and there if I did leave, Annie would follow. Silently, Annie walked over, pulled my bag off my shoulder, and slipped it onto hers. Then she turned her back and walked back to camp.

And I followed behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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