Chapter Six

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Dorian ran into the gates of Skyhold quickly, running past Cullen, who was about to speak to him. He watched as Dorian ran into the great hall, straight to his room. He panted and ran past Solas. "I just let the most dangerous creature take over my mind.. and worst of all, my heart.." He smashed a vase, and pulled his hair. "Cullen.. How dare he take the form of Cullen!?" His voice became trapped in his throat, and he fell to his knees. "I must try to trust him.. He is right.. That he is the only Cullen that will love me.." He fell onto his sofa, and his eyes quickly closed, making the mage drift painfully into sleep.

He awoke at a shrill scream. "Cullen!" He called out, looking around. The land wasn't skyhold. It was no where he knew. Fear dug deep into his bones, and chills crawled to his back. The mage walked around, until it came to his sight, a tree with blossoms as white as snow and as pink as Cullen's blush. He stepped closer cautiously. There was a box right underneath the tree, and he gently picked it up and opened it. Inside, a small blue shimmering gem faced him. "It.. It is beautiful.." He spoke through a gasp. Corypheus appeared behind him. "Isn't it? It is very powerful, Magister." He walked closer, placing his hand gently on Dorian's back.

"When you awake, expect it as a present coming your way," He smirked. "In a different form, of course. Yet, as beautiful as you, Dorian." Dorian smiled and blushed. "Where are we, Corypheus?" he asked softly. "Never have I seen a place of such beauty." He blushed darker and harder, his face aflame, as the arch demon took his hand. "This is a world trapped inside of a rusty, forgotten mirror. It has few brothers and sisters. They all lead to beautiful places such as this, Dorian." Dorian gave a small nod, staring out into the horizon. "Is that what you wish to destroy the world with?" He questioned.

"I have many plans of ways to destroy this world. That is not one of them. The mirrors are all powerful and knowing of many Eleven secrets. I would like to discover them." He looked at Dorian as the sun had begun to rise. "Our time is parting, Dorian. But you shall receive your present soon. You will have part of me with you." The cool, gentle world and demon in front of Dorian began to disappear, and he awoke staring up at the ceiling of his room. He let out a small sigh and walked into the great hall, to see everyone gathered around for breakfast.

"Oh! Dorian!" Josephine smiled at him. "There is a large crate for you at the table." Dorian walked towards it, and stopped. The words Corypheus spoke echoed into his head. He gently opened it, and inside, a gorgeous staff was glowing a bright blue. It made Dorian's eyes wide, for inside the crate other than the silver moonstone staff, laid many of the tiny white and pink blossoms. A note lay inside the crate. Dorian picked it up and stared at the words blankly. 'You will need this. You are welcome." Was all it said. "You sly bastard," Dorian mumbled under his breath. Cullen watched from afar. "A staff, Dorian? Sent from who?" He asked curiously. "The letter does not say," Josephine looked up at Dorian. "An anonymous person that knows Dorian? That could be dangerous." She pointed out.

Dorian let out nervous laughter. "Oh, Josephine. I am a mage of the dark arts. I know how to handle myself, if that's the case." He smiled at her. "Besides, look at the beauty of this staff. It's work is out of this world! Truly extravagant! Marvelous!" He ran his fingertips along the sapphire on the handle. "I have never seen a sapphire used in such a manner." He spoke to himself. Cullen's stare became more harsh as he Cassandra speak out, "Maybe Dorian has a secret admirer?" As the words were spoken, the templar felt jealousy in his chest rise. He slammed his fist on the table. "Nonsense, Cassandra! It is just a staff!" He stood up and started to walk to the door that led to the garden. "I will be in the garden if needed," His eyes burned like fire and he spoke in a low growl, as if the lion was coming out of him.

Dorian turned back to the inquisition as the door slammed. "What is his issue?" He asked. Cassandra, Leliana, and Josephine all looked at each other. "It is nothing, Dorian. Cullen is just.. stressed from all the work," Cassandra lied to him. Dorian nodded in understanding. "I will be on my way, I must speak to someone." He picked up the staff, placing it in his staff holder on his back, as he made his way to the garden. The door creaked open, and sunlight flooded through Dorian's eyes. He made a step out the door, and felt the warmth of the garden before him. "Morrigan!" He called out, looking around carefully for her. Out of thin air, the sorceress appeared with Cole. "You called, Dorian?" She asked in a calm, soothing tone. "I did," Dorian spoke up. "I wished to ask you about that mirror we had found," She looked at him curiously. "Ask away, Dorian. I shall tell you what I know about the gateway."

Dorian hesitated as he pulled one of the blossoms from his pocket. "One of the worlds inside it has this blossom on trees. I would like to know which." He gulped with fear, clearly nervous of her suspicion. "This blossom is from the Forgotten Midnight Forest." She spoke carefully. "No one has been there in ages. How did this flower get to you?" She looked up at him. Cole stared at Dorian, making chills appear on the man's back. "I was there. In a dream. Then, I received a gift, filled with these blossoms. Tell me, Morrigan. How can I get into that world?" Morrigan turned to Cole. "Heart beats fast, full of fear. He wishes to know, he must know." Cole spoke to her. "Will he use harm to it, Cole?" She asked. The demon shook his head. "No. He wishes to find love there." Cole looked at Dorian. Morrigan gave a small nod. "It is an old eleven chant, Dorian." She smiled gently as she spoke the words of the dread wolf. "Speak those to the mirror, and you will open the portal." Dorian nodded and quickly walked off. Cullen watched from afar. "We'll just see about that,"

Desire For Power- Cullen Rutherford x Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now