Chapter Three

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The lights in Val Royeaux became dim, symbolizing that night was approaching. "There you are, darling!" Vivienne called out, making her way to them. "I've talked with a bunch of nobles. They explained that empress Celene is going to have a ball, and I thought that was the perfect time Corypheus would choose to strike." "Then all we have to do is get an invitation," Cassandra thought aloud. "Josephine could do that for us easily." Varric interrupted her. She rolled her eyes. Dorian kept his silent thoughts close, earning attention from the brilliant noble mage. "Dorian, dear? Are you alright? You have been silent this whole time." She spoke, worry flashing behind her eyes.

He only shook his head, the fear of speaking took over him. Cassandra looked at Vivienne. "We had an... interesting conversation." She explained. Vivienne gave a small nod of understanding. "I see. What troubles you, Dorian?" She asked him softly. He turned away from her. "I cannot tell you here, Vivienne. Come, we must return to skyhold, and bestow this information." "Right, let's get out of here." Mira lead them back to the mystical eleven castle. "You're back!" Josephine greeted them at the top of the stairs, leading them inside the giant arched doors.

"Inquisitor!" Leliana jogged towards them. "What did you figure out?" Mira smiled gently. "Empress Celene is having a ball, and we need to get it." They turned to face Josephine, who smirked widely. "I am on it!" She ran off to her office. They all parted ways. Dorian jumped as a hand touched his shoulder. "Come, darling." Vivienne whispered into his ear. Without hesitation, the magister walked past Cullen with his head down and his knees quivering. Vivienne made Dorian sit down on her bed. She took the spot next to him and looked at him. "Now, Tell me. What's bugging you?" Dorian built up at the courage he had. "I am sure you heard of what happened this morning," He began. "They have started to question it and.. I don't think I can handle the truth." She asked gently. "What is the truth, Dear?" He took in a deep breath, filling his lungs with a cold guilt. "I prefer the company of men. I haven't known Cullen for very long but.. after we came to Skyhold, I couldn't help but draw myself closer to him and now, well now I can't even look at him!"

"I see," Vivienne gave a small nod of understanding. "Why are you so afraid to say that to him?" She asked curiously. "Where I come from, being.. what I am. It's never love we deal with. It's infatuation. If we have male lovers, then it is only one time, then you never see each other again. But Cullen.. he seems so different than anyone I have ever met. With him, it isn't fake. It feels.. like a rush. Something i've never had before." He tried to explain, but couldn't find the right words. He let out a sigh of frustration, anger, and sadness. "Perhaps a day will come when you will feel enough strength to tell him. For now, you should get to your chambers."

Dorian stood to his feet, smiling at her. "I thank you, Vivienne.. It felt nice to let that out." He walked out of her room and headed through the great hall, into Solas's study, up the stairs to the library, where his victorian crimson sofa stood. He laid down, using his arm for a pillow as he drifted into a deep sleep. Cullen made his way to Varric. "He's a strange man." He said aloud. "Indeed he is." Solas looked at him while sipping his wine. Cole stared at Cullen silently, gathering his thoughts.

"You're scared of him." He finally spoke to Cullen. "Excuse me?" Cullen looked back at the demon, curiously. "Dorian. You fear him. Why?" Cole asked quietly. "I just find him...intimidating is all, Cole." Cullen admitted. "Though, I have a small fear of the magic he practices, doesn't mean he isn't a good man. After all, he did warn us about Corypheus." He sighed and got up, heading to his chambers to his bed. Laying in it, he closed his eyes and tried to let his stress wash away.

Desire For Power- Cullen Rutherford x Dorian PavusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ