"Who said we were friends?" The slight tilt of the lips made Cassie groan. Astrid continued to smirk in response, spinning around and making her way towards Cassie. 

"I'm sorry." 

"Don't be." Astrid shrugged, offering Cassie a hand out. "Come on, lets get out of here." 

Cassie gratefully took it, thankful to be able to escape the Pit.


Cassie crumpled the note in her hand, the words of it already scorched into her brain. When she'd seen Aidan earlier that day she didn't think much of it, not until he brushed past her. Next thing she knew there was a note in her pocket. The paper felt like it was burning her pocket the entirety of the journey back home, and she didn't dare take the note out until she was securely away from prying eyes. The moment she read it, she was back on her feet and sneaking out, a habit now too familiar for Cassie's liking. 

She traced the path to her salvation, expertly ducking and working her way around the guards. By now she had grown to learn their schedule, and was a mere shadow in their presence. Easily, she managed to get into the Pit, her jacket hood firmly tossed over her head.

With her hands shoved into her pockets, she weaved her way through the growing crowds. In the centre of the ring, Aidan had just finished his introductory speech, with the two people nodding to what he said. Her gaze skimmed over them, her eyes searching the crowd for Astrid when the information finally processed. Her head snapped back, seeing Astrid standing in the middle of the ring against a red haired muscly female. The moment Cassie noticed Astrid, she looked up at Cassie, giving her a wave. 

Cassie frowned. 

In the ring, Aidan left. This indicated the start of the fight, with Astrid wasting no time to take a step forward and drive her arm powerfully back into the womans face. Cassie involuntarily winced. 

She was so engrossed in the fight that she didn't notice Aidan until his arm was wrapped around her shoulders and he squeezed her playfully. "What are you doing here on a school night?" Aidan teased. Cassie didn't earn his remark a response, merely pushing his shoulder lightly. "Ready to see Astrid kick some major ass?" 

"I only came because she asked me to." 

He didn't seem surprised by the information, after all he had been the one to slip her the note. Cassie knew he wasn't someone to read something that wasn't for him, so he still was somewhat clueless. "Maybe she wanted you to see how the professionals do it." 

"Does illegal fighting count as a job?" A deep chuckle passed Aidan's lips. 

The pair didn't say anything else, watching the fight unfold in front of their eyes. From the roars of the crowd, it was clear that they supported Astrid, cheering every time she landed a kick or a punch. In next to no time, Astrid's opponent was crumpled on the floor, curled into a ball and groaning. Cassie couldn't help but feel sympathy for her, the old bruises aching in memory.

Aidan quickly bade Cassie farewell, rushing towards the ring with a wide smile on his face. He lunged over the tables and landed next to Astrid, proudly raising her hand in the air and declaring her the winner. Astrid's face remained impassive, eyes purposefully not focused on the woman whimpering on the floor. She merely turned and spoke to Aidan words that Cassie couldn't hear. He frowned, but nodded his head anyways, ushering Astrid away as he helped pick the woman up and led her through the back doors. 

Surprisingly, Astrid walked straight up to Cassie. 

"Congrats," Cassie said, giving the woman a weak smile. "You're invincible." 

"Only here, in the Ark I'm just as vulnerable as anyone else." Astrid wiped at her forehead with the back of her hand, cringing at the slickness of it. 

"How long have you been down here fighting for?" 

Astrid paused for a moment, thinking it through thoroughly. "Around three hours?" 

"Astrid!" Cassie criticised, prepared to give the woman a lecture when Aidan sauntered up. Instead, Cassie focused her fury on him. "Why did you let her fight for this long?" 

Aidan raised his hands in defence, a package in his hands she hand't noticed before clutched in his left hand. "She insisted, do you want to tell her no? She's a scary lady."

Cassie sighed, brushing it off. What's done was done, and she was a fully grown woman. She just hoped what she worked for was worth it. 

"Here you go Astrid, your prize for kicking ass both efficiently and beautifully." Aidan handed package over, it not resting in Astrid's hands for more than a second before she was thrusting it in Cassie's direction. 

"Happy birthday." 

Cassie's brows scrunched together. She didn't understand why she was being so nice to Cassie, especially after the small argument they had had the other day. The thought it could be something to kill Cassie crossed her mind for a mere moment, but the thought was gone as soon as it hit her. 

"Open it." Astrid urged. 

Reluctantly, Cassie opened the package, gently prising the wrapping open. There, seated amongst the wrapping, was medicine.

Words failed Cassie. The more she tried to find them, the more difficult she found it to say something, to say anything. She wanted to thank Astrid for what she had done, for working so hard to get Cassie the thing she desired - no, the thing she needed - and cementing the fact that even with Cassie denying they had a relationship that there was some sort of friendship blooming. 

It gave her hope not just for her dad, but her own future too.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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