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Ever since she went to the Pit, that was all she could think about. Her mind was engulfed with images of her standing in that very ring, with her opponent crumbled beneath her, the crowd cheering her on. She dreamt of the blood staining her knuckles, adrenaline coursing through her body. Her favourite part of the fantasy wasn't watching the bruises blossom into varying shades of purple, blue and green, but the reasoning behind her flying fists and swinging feet. 

Saving her father. 

At the end of every fight, she saw his face fill out a little bit more. She saw him finally able to eat without throwing up, him being able to sit upright and not be crippled over with pain. She saw him smile and laugh and beam so bright he put the sun to shame. It made her aching body fade from her mind. It made everything worth it. 

But for now, it was only a dream. 

Cassie sighed, shaking her hands out. In her head she was uttering words of encouragement to herself, not paying any mind to the quaking of her body. The darkness made it easier to believe that she was okay, that her body wasn't betraying her racing heart. The darkness made it easier to hide the reality. 

Letting out a heavy breath, she pushed her hands forward. Her palms collided harshly with the door, forcing them to spring back and crash against the wall behind them. Cassie tried not to cringe at the noise, loosening her limbs and forcing her to hold her head high. She strolled into the room, aware of how everyone cast a look at her for their eyes only to dart away a few seconds later to something more intriguing. 

They would regret underestimating her. 

She let herself be absorbed into the crowd, craning her neck over the swarming bodies. Her eyes scanned for a familiar face, scouring over the foreign bodies cramming the space around her. She could feel the heat radiating from their bodies. It only made the sweat drip more profusely down her back. 


Her eyes connected to his form easily. Aidan wasn't a character that could be easily forgotten, and she would make sure that she too held the same reputation. 

Surging to the brim with renewed purpose, she shouldered her way through the people. She was ignorant to the colourful words spat at her back, pushing back the thoughts of how easily these people would follow up on the threats they carelessly delivered towards her, only focusing on getting her feet to take that next step closer to her goal. Cassie was being attacked at all angles. It made the walk feel like aeons. 

By the time she had strolled up to the betting booth, he was humming lightly under his breath. His fingers were flicking absentmindedly through credits, the blur of the currency lulling Cassie into a daze. The amount of credits he held in his one hand, she could use in the black market to buy enough medication for her dad for three days. 

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