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As much as she tried to not be distracted by the nature around her, she failed. She'd find herself staring at the trees a second too long and bumping into somebody as a result, or crouching down to look at a plant in more detail and nearly lose the group. She'd again been distracted by another flower, and she bent down to look at it closer. It was purple, it's petals curling in on themselves. Finn saw this plant, reaching past Cassie and plucking the plant. Cassie had to rein in her disappointment.

He twirled it in his fingers, then decided to slot it behind Octavia's ear. She ducked under his attention, her cheeks crimson. Cassie again rolled her eyes. She couldn't understand how someone could flirt with someone else because of their looks. For her, personality was more extraordinary.

"That, my friend, is game." Jasper pointed to Finn and Octavia. Cassie lingered behind them, curious as to what they said next. They were an interesting pair of individuals. They seemed like good allies.

Monty smiled, remarking. "That, my friend, is poison sumac."

Instantly Octavia squirmed, shaking her head desperately trying to get it out of her hair. Cassie released a low chuckle, watching as Monty plucked it from her hair and chewed on it. "Don't worry, they're not poisonous. They're medicinal, calming actually."

Cassie made a mental note of what the plant looked like, wondering if she could give it to Jay one time to see if it would make him any quieter.

Her thoughts were cut off by Clarke's voice draining the fun out of the situation. "Can you guys keep up?"

Finn speeds up to be closer to her, spreading his arms wide. "How can you block all of this out?"

Clarke placed her hands on her hips, her back straight. "Well, it's simple. I wonder, 'why haven't we seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on."

"Or maybe your droning voice is driving them away?" Cassie teased, smirk growing on her face. She hadn't had this much fun since way before she'd been locked up.

"Someone should slip her some poison sumac," Octavia muttered. Cassie snorted, the very sound surprising her. It had tickled when it left her nostrils, and it wasn't a feeling she'd experienced in a long time.

Clarke ignored the comment and continued to march on. The group let her, all absorbed in their own conversation. Finn turned to Monty and Jasper, smiling. "I have to know what you two got locked up for."

The two boys exchanged a cheeky look, Monty wittily replying. "Well, poison sumac isn't the only herb in the garden, if you get what I mean."

Cassie drowned out the rest of the conversation, moving at her own pace. When Octavia shoved past her shoulder, all she could do was stare at the guys. "What did you do?"

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