Judging Criteria

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Each book will be scored out of 80 points, then multiplied by 1.25 into a percentage to get the final score of each book. (For example, the author gets 62/80, so you do 62 × 1.25 to get 77.5%)

Each judge should PM this account a filled out form for each book with everything filled out. The form is found below, as well with some questions to help you find an answer, please fill it out accordingly.

Title & Author: Example Book by ______

Title: ?/10 (Ask yourself how well the title fits with the book's plot, does it make sense?)

Cover: ?/10 (Does the cover match the idea of the story and title? Is it appealing and well-made?)

Grammar: ?/15 (Does the story have good grammar? Is it easy to read?)

Plot: ?/20 (How well does the story flow? Does it follow a well-structured plotline?)

Character Development: ?/15 (Do the characters make sense? Is there anything unintentionally left out?)

Description: ?/10 (Does the description accurately summarize the book and grab the readers attention?)

Total: ?/80

Summary: (at least 3 sentences)

Review: (at least 3 sentences)

The books you will be judging will be posted this Friday and Saturday, so watch out for them, and if you aren't a judge already, please consider joining! It's a lot of fun being able to read and get to know a lot of the community!

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