Chapter 5

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Laying down in bed was my favorite thing to do on a cold Friday night. I don't have a job anymore. So now I have to work even harder on surviving. Meaning dig in people trash cans, still food from people, or fake like I'm sick and dying to get food. I'm not gone be like them other homeless people. Sitting at the corner waiting for some cash. Not me. But I have to get myself together. Like go to school, get my degree, and find a job. Be like these people around here instead of living in a abandon apartment.

I look out the window seeing the stars remembering when me and my mom ran away from dad. I felt so bad for my mom. She loved that man, but he treated her like dirt.


"Mommy can I have some water?"noelani ask her mother who was folding her clothes for school tomorrow.

After the dinner with her husband friends, Nadine wasn't herself for 2 weeks. Her husband didn't come home for 4 days but his friends said that he be at work happy. Always smiling.

"No Noelani"Nadine said. Noelani frowned a bit and got into the sheets. "Have a good night sleep"Nadine walked out Noelani room.

Nadine made her way to the living room to finish washing her clothes and washing the dinner plates from yesterday and today.

As Nadine was watching her story while folding clothes, Derrick made his way into the house with his hands in his pockets.

Nadine gasp and cover her chest. "Derrick, your back home"Nadine went up to him and hugged him tightly. "I miss you"she tried to kiss him but Derrick moved his head.

"I need to talk to you"Derrick said making Nadine narrowing her eyebrows.

"About what? What's going on with you?"Nadine ask.

Just then Ashlee walked in the house with a Versace tight fitted dress, Versace shoes, and a bag that Nadine never gotten from Derrick.

"Derrick, why she here?"Nadine ask.

"Ashlee, baby come here"Derrick called Ashlee. He then hugged her and kiss her cheek. "This is what I wanted to tell you. Me and Ashlee will are together"

Nadine couldn't believe what she was hearing. Derrick been her husband for eight years. She couldn't let Derrick go. Derrick was her provider for her and noelani.

"Y-You serious?"Nadine ask shocked.

"I'm positive. I want to be with Ashlee"Derrick said. "Which mean you and noelani have to leave"

"Derrick you can't kick out your own child. She needs you"Nadine said.

"Nadine, I don't even think noelani is mine"Derrick said. "She don't look like me"Ashlee chuckled a bit.

"So you just gone kick me and your child on to the streets"Nadine had tears falling from her eyes thinking about her baby girl.

"Yes. So start waking her up and get the hell out of my house"Derrick said. Nadine looked at Ashlee then back at Derrick. "Now! Bitch!"he grabbed Nadine arm pulling her roughly towards the stairs. Nadine screamed so loudly for Derrick to stop but he didn't. He kept hitting Nadine in the head for her to shut up.

Noelani woke up from all the commotion come to her room. She hop out of bed and open her room door seeing her father hitting her mother.

"Daddy no"noelani ran up to him and tried to stop him. Derrick took his arm and forcefully push noelani out the way. Noelani cried feeling her how hurtful it was when he pushed her.

"Leave my daughter alone!!"Nadine screamed. She punch Derrick in the face and spit in his face. She picked up noelani and jogged downstairs. She put noelani down and walk to the living room seeing Ashlee touching the pictures of Derrick and Nadine wedding day. "See you bitch...."Nadine upper cut Ashlee causing her to fall. Ashlee dress ripped a bit showing her panties. "I have the real Versace dress. Don't worry, it ain't here for you to wear. Bet yo skinny ass can't even put it on"Nadine walked away from Ashlee leaving her on the floor.

She looked back at Derrick and shook her head. Nadine open the door and walk into the cold air of New York. Only at night it gets cold.

Nadine have to find a place to sleep.

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