Chapter 21

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The gun was in my hand shaking on my lap as I sat in the car waiting for Dave

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The gun was in my hand shaking on my lap as I sat in the car waiting for Dave. The bag of money was sitting next to my heels that was off. I look down at my toes trying to calm myself down. "What I did? What I did?"I kept saying as my body shook violently.

The passenger door open revealing Dave. He hop in the Roll Royce then told the driver to take off. We took off really fast from the place.

"You did good"Dave mumble. He grabbed the bag and look through it. "Nice"he smiled.

I shook my head rolling my eyes. "Where's my money?"I ask. He look up at me with a blank face.

"Just wait"he said.

The ride back to the house was quiet. I kept thinking about the blood that was splattered on the wall. The way he pointed that gun at me, I thought I was gone be dead.

The phone ringed in Dave lap. He answered the phone with a confuse look. "Hello"his deep voice boomed in the car. "Wait. Slow down"I covered my chest ready for him to fuss at me. "Mister big is dead"

I looked at Dave with tears running down my face. He hung up the phone and looked at me. "Get it out your system right now"I mumble.

"You killed him?"dave mumble. "I didn't say kill him!! You could of scared him!! His big ass wasn't gone do nothing!!"he yelled.

"He was going to kill me!!"I yelled back. "I had to protective myself!!"

"Big wouldn't do that"—"He's scary as hell. How the......"Dave stopped and bit his lip. "How ima tell Biggy?"he whisper to himself.

"Wait. Mister big is Biggy father?"I ask. Dave looked up at me and nodded his head. Now I really fell bad. I killed Biggy father. But I was protecting myself.



"We home!!"dave yelled out. Some dudes walked out the kitchen all laughing and giggling. "What's funny? I wanna laugh"

They all stop laughing looking at me. "Is that the....."

"Shut up and go to the meeting room"dave spoke.

"Can I come?"I ask.

"This meeting is about you. I don't think you will want to come to this meeting"dave said.

I nodded my head looking up at Biggy who just came from the back door with a mean mug on his face. Dave turn to him and back to me. "Go to your room"


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