I'm in love...with my adopted brother?

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Cass POV

Hey, Im Cassandra but call me Cass. Im 16 and a half and I'm an emo. DONT judge me yet, hear me out first. I have long, feathered black hair with bright blue bangs. I only tend to wear grey, blue, black and purple. Today, I have to go to my 'brother's' best friend's party and so I have decided im am going to get so drunk that I wont even remember my own name! YAY! I hate my brother, Alex. He is a emo like me but he is SO freaking annoying even when he isn't saying anything! The only reason i'm going to this party is because my friends are there...and my parents told me to spend more time with  Alex. I am having a fashion crisis! I dont know what to wear for the party! AHHG! I have decided that i will go all out. Only this time I will make the exception to wear white. This will make EVERYONE jealous. Here is my outfit...


Black off~the shoulder top saying 'EMO MUCH?' in white letters. 

White shorts

Black Tights

White High~Heeled, Knee High Converse.

Pretty damn awesome huh? I grabbed my makeup bag and rushed into the bathroom before anyone else got in before me. I applied eyeliner and black lipstick with grey eyeshandow and a light cover of foundation. I put on waterproof mascara because I know James *Alex's Friend* has a pool and if i'm planning on getting drunk who knows what will happen... I was just finishing up on my lipstick when Alex began thumping on the bathroom door screaming "Hurry up Cass!  I  need to take a piss" I cringed at the sentence before yelling back. " Too much info Alex! Use the downstairs one!"  I heard him rush down the stairs towards the bathroom. Shit! Now I need to piss! Fucking Alex! 10 minutes later I had finished in the bathroom, got my phone, got a small bag with clothes for tomorrow just in case and was waiting in the car. Alex came rushing out and jumped into the driver's seat. He turned to his side and glared at me. What is his problem?! I watched at he looked me up and down and faced the front again blushing slightly. I smirked. " You know, those shorts are more like a thong then actual shorts" He said whilst we cruised down the highway towards James's house. " Awwh, is someone jealous just cuz  they cant tap this?" I said moving my hands up and down my body. He growled slightly before stopping for a red light. He turned." What makes you think i cant ' Tap This'?" He said using quote marks wit his fingers as he spoke. "Um, lemme think. A* Your my brother and B* Your not hot enough" I said smirking at his face. He looked adorable when he was annoyed. Wait what?! Did i just think he was adorable? Ew! Bad Cassy Bad! I mentally slapped myself before concentrating on the road ahead. Another red light. " Not hot enough?" He said, looking directly at me. I blushed. That was a massive lie. Alex was extremely hot! He had black,shaggy hair with bright blue eyes. He was pale, had snake bites and hardly ever wore clothes that wernt black. He was adopted at 13 by my dad and has been living with us ever since. He was gorgeous. I smirked at him. "Yep. Definatly not hot enough" I said, looking him up and down this time. He smirked and muttered "Bitch." Just loud enough for me to hear. I punched him in the arm and yelled. " Hey if anyone's the bitch around here its you!" I said before unbuckling my seatbelt and reaching for the door. He grabbed my wrist and flipped me around so we were inches apart. "Hot enough yet?" He asked before turning and walking up to the house. I breathed slowly to compose myself and grabbed the car door handle. I walked up to the front of the house. I had never been inside James's house but i knew it was huge from when me and Dad had dropped Alex around here before he had a car. I pushed the door and it swung open to reveal hot,sweaty bodies dancing in the living room. I knew there was going to be a long night of partying ahead of me....who knows what will happen??

Sorry it's so short will try and update soon. Sorry for any mistakes.

Hope ou liked it. Love Liliana xx

I'm in love...with my adopted brother?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن