P7 : Work

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I wakes up. I opened my eyes slowly. I yawn. Rubbing my eyes, I found a perfect figure laying beside me. I almost shout but then I remembered that I'm sleeping on Yoongi's bed. I facepalm myself. I look at the watch. 04:04 a.m. I quickly fetch my towel and take a quick bath. The water is really freezing the heck out of me. I wear my long sleeve buttoned shirt and hitch up my belt. Then, I walk to the kitchen to cook breakfast for the 7 boys. Just then, a message pop up in my phone. I look through my phone, it's a message from director.

"Make sure the boys arrived here before 5:45 a.m"

I typed "Okay" and clicked send. Luckily I'm already awake at this time. I look into the fridge and found only eggs, bacon, some vegetables and meats. I open the cabinet and found ramen and black pepper in it. I thought of a quick simple breakfast. 

"Ah, eastern breakfast!" I thought to myself. I wash the eggs and some cherries tomatoes. I take out the bacon and let the ice melt. I take the pan and turn on the stove. I pour some oil and cook the eggs. I placed the cut cherries tomatoes on 7 plates. I pour some black pepper on the eggs and rolls it. The smells start to calls out to the stomach. I heard someone coming down the stairs. 

"Y/n? You're cooking?" 

"Ah yes, Jin Oppa. Well, you are all ought to be prepared before 5:30 a.m. So I thought of a simple breakfast for all of you." I said, as I'm cooking the bacon until it is well-cooked.

Jin approaches me. His wet hair with towel on top of it looks cool. I ask him to wait for the breakfast patiently at the dining table. He backhugs me. My scrapers almost fall down. He lets go of me quickly. 

"I'll wake them up, thanks y/n." He walk upstairs to wake the youngsters.

I am shocked for a second, and hurrily back to my sense and put the bacon on each of the plates. I then cut the eggs into 21 pieces. I clean the kitchen and serve their breakfast on the dining table. I put some forks and spoons beside each one of the plate. Soon after, I help Jin to wake the members up. They are really hard to wake up. Tired, I guess. But after Jin tells them I have cook breakfast, they all rushing to the bathroom. I'm going to knock at Suga's door. 

"I'm already up." A voice coming from the dining room. I walk to the dining room and Suga is sitting there, waiting for others. Jin soon accompanies him and the members show up one by one. They eat the breakfast I made wholeheartedly. I look at my phone, it's now 05:09 a.m. I clean up the dining table and ask them to get prepare for practices. I wash the dishes and wear my sneakers and fetch my car key. They are all getting ready to get in the car. I click the unlocked button to let them in. Then, I drive them to the company. The fresh snow company is really comforting my eyes. The members go into the practice room and each one of them receive a polystyrene. 

"It might be food," I whispered to myself. I heard my stomach grumbling.

"Oh yea, I didn't eat just now. If Jinah knows about this, I'm going to be dead"I mumbled to myself again. A polystyrene is handed to me. 

"You haven't eaten right?" said Namjoon. He gives me his food to me. I push it back to him and says, "It's your food, eat up."

He forces me to eat. "You cooked for us but you didn't eat. Please, we need our manager to be healthy."

I reluctantly take the polystyrene from his hand. I thank him. Then, Jimin comes to me.

"Y/n, I can't eat this. It has seaweeds in it. I should give it to you than wasting it. I think you didn't have breakfast right?" He gives me his polystyrene.

I accept it, as I know he dislikes seaweed. I opened Namjoon's polystyrene. Its toast. I take a look at Jimin's , and it's gimbap. I eat the gimbap first then eat the toast. I notice Suga has been looking at me. I wonder why.

SHOOT ME WITH ONE SHOT [Reader x Suga] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now