Poor Hedwig. Poor Harry. Poor Draco.

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Draco had just finished unpacking and returning his robes to normal when Hedwig landed on his window sill. She bore a ridiculously large package and a letter. He walked up to her and gently took both. She fluttered her wings as she waited for him to write a response. The letter said;


I wanted to apologize for snapping on the train. That wasn't fair of me and you probably weren't even being prejudiced. Here is an apology gift.


Draco raised a brow then opened the package. A plush cat bed shaped like an owl was there. He smiled a little then wrote a thank-you letter and sent it. He placed the bed under a throw blanket that had been King's bed before. King climbed into it and curled up, purring loudly.

The rest of the Summer went like that. Harry or Hermione would send him a letter of some sort and he would send a reply. He wouldn't be surprised if Hedwig now spent half his life flying and the other half waiting for one of them to send something.

Draco now had a bag of owl treats next to the window, much to the bemusement of his father, because he knew that Hedwig would come hungry. She landed on his sill tiredly. He stroked her soft feathers, "You can sleep. When you wake up, hunt a little and then send my letter."

She hooted gratefully, flew down to his end table, tucked her head under her wing, and fell asleep. Draco stared. When had he gotten so soft? He scowled as he wrote the letter.

It was finally time to buy his school supplies. He was sitting in the book store, reading, as some prat name Gilderoy Lockhart gave out autographs and sickening smiles.

From his vantage point on the stairs, he could see every customer that filtered in. Harry walked in, closely followed by Granger and several red heads. One of which was Ron The Hufflepuff. Draco wasn't surprised. Harry tended to pick up strays.

He hopped down, closing his book, to speak a bit with Harry and Granger. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father slip something into a Weasely-girl's cauldron. Eh, not his problem.

Draco ended up staying at Harry's side so that he could get the Gilderoy books too(He had just noticed that they were on the 'Required Books' list). When they got to the front, Lockhart pierced Harry with his ridiculously blue eyes and beckoned him forward to make a scene of it all.Draco shrank back, hoping no one would notice him. 

Merlin, Harry got a lot of attention. Harry was looking really uncomfortable and Draco almost felt bad for the little scarred glasses-boy who can't walk down the street without getting crowded. Almost.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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