Wrong House

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They finally climbed into the boats with Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood. Harry and Draco sat on opposite sides of the boat, beginning a friendly competition where they tried to play chicken, each trying to sit farther off the edge than the other.

The mudblood scoffed and remained where she was while Luna watched them with dazed interest. Harry fell off and Draco laughed so hard he lost his balance and splashed into the water too. They resurfaced, laughing together. Draco realized that he was laughing with the muggle-raised and quickly stopped.

He pulled himself up onto the boat and used a spell his father had taught him so that he could dry his robes. They felt like they were thirty pounds heavier. He saw Luna helping Harry with her wand out of the corner of his eye. Jeez, the boy couldn't even do basic spells! What's worse, Luna, who was already weird, was muttering something about Wrackspurts. What are Wrackspurts? She really was pretty Looney. Maybe he should call her that...Draco's eyes were glued to the pair.

Once they finished drying off Harry, Hermione The Mudblood seemed to notice something. She pointed her wand straight at Harry, determination glinted in her eyes, and Draco grew a little afraid that she was about to murder his new experiment/almost-friend.

She muttered a spell and Harry's glasses, which had been broken at the bridge, mended and the duct tape that had been holding them together disappeared. He found himself smiling a little at the clever move. Maybe he wasn't the only one with brains around here...No! She was a Mudblood, plain and simple! One spell did not change that! He scowled and leaned back against the wall of the boat.

This was going to be a long trip.

They finally got back and were lined up and were sorted but he only caught a few names;

Hermione Granger-Gryffindor

Harry Potter- Gryffindor

Ron Weasely-Hufflepuff

It was now his turn and he hopped up on the stool. The hat was placed on his head and a voice filled his mind. 'Hmm...Sharp mind, I'll give you that. Some ambition, yes. Hmm...Something there....You'll benefit from-' "HUFFLEPUFF"

He stayed frozen, shock gluing him to the chair. Red creeped up his face, burning him with shame. What would his father think? Numbly, he felt someone jerk his hat off, peel him off the chair, and shove him in the right (Or in his opinion, wrong) direction. Dread shoved his stomach down to his toes as he dragged his feet to the overly cheerful crowd of yellow-clad dim-wits.

Something had gone terribly, awfully wrong. This couldn't be happening! He took a seat and stared at his hands. His father was going to kill him.

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