The First Night

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Draco didn't feel like eating. He turned to the prefect, "Just tell me how to get into the common room. I don't want food." The prefect smiled, "There's a stack of barrels by the kitchen. The barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row will open if you tap in the rhythm of, 'Helga Hufflepuff.' Do you need any help?" Draco just rolled his eyes and stalked out.

Okay. Where were the kitchens? He wandered around until he found it. By then, he could hear the students upstairs getting up. Barrels. Barrels. He found them. Okay, which one did he say to tap? It couldn't hurt if he tried a few of them.

He tried the one barrel that was three from the bottom on the third row and found himself doused in vinegar. He growled in annoyance and finally found the one that worked. It slid open. At this point, he was soaked in vinegar and scowling.

He crawled the tunnel and took a few steps into the room, immediately hitting his head on a flower pot. Cursing under his breath, he stalked around the cozy (Or, in his opinion, revolting) common room until he found where the first years slept.

He found his stuff fairly easily because King was curled up on his bed. He went to take a shower then came back and sat on his bed, listening to the students bustle around, chatting. The yellow of, well, everything, seemed to mock him. To say, "You don't belong here."

He jerked his yellow bed curtains closed and flopped back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. King curled up on his stomach and laid there, purring. Draco sighed. He had a feeling that his time at this school was going to be very long.

First years filed in and snuggled into their beds, cheerfully telling each other goodnight.

Draco pulled the pillow over his head. Did they ever stop being so damn cheery? He turned on his side, making King roll off. Huffy, King stalked up to lay on the pillow over his head. It was a long night, that held barely any sleep to distract him from his awful situation

That morning, he woke up and rubbed his eyes, yawning. He dressed and brushed his teeth then headed to his first class with the rest of the first years. Herbology. Great. This was going to be a long day.

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