Covering All Bases

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And then the phone began ringing again.

Breaking the kiss, Loki pulled himself up, not bothering to hide his irritation. "Whoever that is they're not giving up, are they?"

He stomped across the room to retrieve her purse which she'd dropped by the door. His grumpiness was noticeably out of frustration from being interrupted, as he didn't have any real intention of wanting to call a temporary halt to their amorous activities.
Taking the purse from him, she pulled the offending cell phone out and hit 'answer' without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" She snapped.

"Darcy? Are you okay?"

"Oh, uh, hi Greg." She winced at having to speak his name. "Yeah I'm good thanks. Really good actually. Well, uh, I mean as good as I can be, considering that you've left me stranded in London for another night, just so you can save yourself a few bucks!"

"Is that really still such a terrible inconvenience?" Loki asked, louder than what was absolutely necessary.

"Who's that man I can hear?" Greg demanded, which prompted Darcy into leaping up from the coach so she could move away from Loki.

"Man? Oh, him. That....that's just my partner."

"And you're still with him at this time of night? Where are you even staying, Darcy?"

Darcy began pacing back and forth frantically in order to give herself the sort of breathless voice which would support the upcoming lie she was about to tell. "I'm just leaving him now. Heading up the stairs to my hotel room." She stomped her feet loudly against the floor for good measure. "Sheesh. Sooo many stairs."

"Have you been drinking? Why haven't you replied to my last message?"

"No! Well maybe I've had one or two drinks. But what message?"

Suddenly Loki was hovering nearby, and the sight of him deliciously rumpled in his shirt which hung open, flashing his impressive chest, proved to be immensely distracting.

"Sorry, Greg. I didn't catch that?"

"Never mind. I will email you the details of the flight. Don't miss it. You should really be getting an early night. You've got your passport with you, right?"

Shit. She'd forgotten all about that.
But wait. Hadn't Loki said he'd take care of the passport issue?
She couldn't think clearly, the alcohol slowing her thought-process.

"Um, right. Yeah. S.H.I.E.L.D has got the passport situation covered....I think." She turned to Loki for validation, and was surprised to find he had sidled up behind her, making it extremely difficult to concentrate on what Greg was saying.

"Yes I think you'll find I have all bases covered." Loki's voice was a whisper by her ear, and she jumped slightly, shivering.

"What's that, Darcy?"

"Nothing Greg, listen I'll talk to you tomorrow."

She heard him scoff into the phone. "That's probably best, if you're drunk. But if you'd messaged me back instead of ignoring me, we could've cleared the air earlier."

"I don't even know what you're talking about." She hissed defensively. "And I don't need a lecture right now about drinking!" Her words faded away as Loki chuckled behind her like a naughty frat boy.

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt