The stairwell was elegantly decorated with flowers and banners that were both colored a shade of blue that almost appeared white. When I questioned Thomas about the color, he responded with, "That's the color that represents our group of rebels. The flowers are called Fide. They represent loyalty, bravery, and virtue."

"They smell nice," I noted. They smelled sweet like perfume. It was calming, and it even helped to clear my mind.

Thomas nodded. "We wear them during battles to help sharpen our minds and our magic. They also make really good tea."

"Hippies. All of you," I muttered, not intending for him to hear it, but he did anyway and chuckled lightly.

"Please don't tell me you've already been teaching him potions," James groaned from behind us.

"For someone as intelligent and intellectually curious as you, you really don't like potions."

"Yeah, because it's a waste of time."

Thomas shook his head in disapproval. When we reached the top of the stairs, he led me to the left.

"Are they in the library?"

"Sitting room," James said.

"So, do I call you 'King' or what?"

"Lord," Thomas corrected, assuming the mock nobility from before.

James scoffed. "Not even."

"Not yet."

"I thought you didn't want to be a lord?" James asked. "And even if you did, you've got a while to go."

Thomas cast me a knowing look. "I don't. Trust me. Being a lord must be the most boring job ever."

Suddenly, he stopped in front of a great wooden door. Carvings were etched up and down the frame in a noble manner, and the wood was dark and appeared to be very old.

Taking a deep breath, Thomas pushed the door open.

Inside, seven people were scattered through the room, each reading through scrolls or books.

"Ah, Thomas. What have we done to be graced by such an elegant presence such as yourself?" commented one of the women wryly without bothering to look up. "It's about time you decided to help."

"With your own project," added the man sprawled on the couch.

"Welcome back from Earth, Thomas!" Thomas exclaimed dryly, preforming the welcome he much rather preferred. "We're so happy you're back!"

"Give us a break, we're bored," said a familiar voice. I looked over to see John sitting against the grand window opposing the door. He threw the scroll he was reading down. "This is stupid. Can we be done, please?" He glanced up at me and grinned. "Hello again, Alex! I'm not sure why you're here, but it's me! John! See, I did something different with my hair today, so I didn't know if you knew it was me, but fear not!"

I smiled. "Hello, John."

I wonder how everything would have turned out if I hadn't come here in the first place. If I denied Thomas' offer to come to Perriterra and decided to return home.

It was like an explosion had just gone of, the way everyone suddenly looked up and stared at me after I had spoken.

Thomas let go of my hand and went to stand off to the side quietly. James pushed past me and joined him.

"Umm, hello," I said, unsure of what else to say.

One of the girls, different from the one who had chastised Thomas earlier, let the book fall from her hands. She stood up slowly. I didn't see her disappear or move or anything, but one moment she was there across the room, and the next, she was standing in front of me. I flinched in surprise, not use to the whole magic and teleportation thing yet.

The Other Side - A Jamilton FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now