“We must leave immediately.” they both stated. I would have ignored this if I hadn’t snuck out of the house and if I didn’t have as much respect for Lee as I do. We both hesitantly stepped back.

“Another time, Kitty” I said to Corson

“Till then, Birdy” he replied.

We all got into our respective cars and drove to our respective homes to face the music that was going to shake the entire land. This will not be good.


“What were you thinking?!” my father roared. I stood in the middle of his study where he was awaiting my arrival when I came back. “No, scratch that. Were you thinking?! You left this house after I specifically told you that you may not leave! You defied me, Zeus, and to make it worse you are practically drunk”

“Father-” I started. 

“Don’t interrupt me, Zeus!” he boomed, he stalked over to where I was standing and put his face right in mine. I flinched slightly and took a step back. I may be brave but I’m not stupid; my father is very strong and messing with him when he is angry would be a huge mistake. “Besides the fact that you snuck out of the house, you were partying with those creatures! You can’t be partying with such creatures. And to top it off it’s not even the first time; that’s why you were grounded in the first place or have you forgotten?”

I kept silent waiting for him to continue. “ANSWER ME, ZEUS!” He shouted. 

“No, dad, I haven’t forgotten” I replied quietly looking at him.

“Zeus, you are going to be the king of our entire race; all the vampires in existence will be your people. You can’t be seen ‘hanging out’ with our sworn enemies. What will people say? They won’t trust you and trust is the foundation of any monarchy!” he shouted slapping his left hand on this right palm. He grew silent and I saw this as my opportunity to speak.

“Permission to speak?” I asked. He walked to his seat behind his antique mahogany desk, his frame is straight as a ruler with tension and his brows are furrowed in anger and concentration. His elegance was never doubted - even in times like these; he always did things with…poise. He is my biggest role model. He sat down and gestured a chair on the other side of the table, indicating I should sit. I slowly moved forward and sunk into the chair. 

“Permission granted. Explain to me what the hell is going on with you!”

“Dad, I do acknowledge the fact that I did directly defy you by leaving this house and for that I apologize.” I paused and he nodded in acceptance of my apology. “But I was not ‘hanging out’ with them. My crew and I were just kicking back and chilling and they appeared out of nowhere like they always do. Besides the fact that we are enemies, I have no connection with Sean Corson or his type. I know that I will be a leader one day and I have acted accordingly. It’s Corson’s fault. He showed up, that can hardly be blamed on me.”

“Okay, son, it isn’t entirely your fault but you do it to him too. Don’t think I don’t know. His father has called here on several occasions complaining about you and your crew – as you put it – showing up at his son’s events” he said growing calm; at least he isn’t angry anymore. “Anyway, moving on, Vestec wants to see us tomorrow at 9 am so you better head to bed now so that you can wake up early tomorrow.”

“What does she want?” I asked confused as to why Vestec, the wisest of all creatures would want to see us. 

“I don’t know but we will go. She said it is urgent and the matter must be attended to as soon as possible. Now off to bed.”

“Yes dad.” I turned to walk out of the room. 

“Oh and Zeus, the next time I catch you out when you are grounded, I will put you in the Cross and Garlic room for 16 hours.” he said icily.

I flinched at the thought of being in that room for that long. Garlic doesn’t really hurt vampires if we aren’t exposed to it for a long period of time, it’s the same with crosses but for more than 9 hours straight it starts to really burn our skin and eyes, it’s like being on fire - which is really painful. I had to go through it a couple of times; sometimes for punishment and other times for testing my resilience. The highest record is 14 hours, which is my record, and even then I was weak, burnt and in a lot of pain. Garlic and crosses don’t kill vampires; they’re just used as a torture device, a very effective one. 

The sun doesn’t kill us either; we don’t burst into flames when we are exposed to the sun. It is hotter for vampires than it is for anyone else so it’s pretty uncomfortable being in the sun, that’s why we try to stay in places that are usually cold. We used to die when exposed to the sun but that was a very long time ago; over 900 millenniums ago, but since then we have adapted to the sun – we may be "undead" but we can adapt just like humans do. It was hard for our ancestors to adapt and no one really knows how they did it, only Vestec could tell you that because she is that old. 

Also, we don’t shine like diamonds when we come in contact with sunlight, only albinos - a very rare species of vampire. They have a rare condition which makes their skin do such things. We can’t figure out how or why but then again, it must be fun to have skin that shines in the sun. 

The only thing that can really kill us is pulling off our heads. That is instant death, no questions asked, no reversals and no healing. Stabbing us in the heart doesn’t work because our hearts give off very weak pulses that don’t really affect us at all and burning us doesn’t work either unless you burn us for more than 2 days straight, that way our bodies will disintegrate so much that quick healing can’t take place and we die. 

I, as you should know, am the vampire prince; I am the future of this kingdom and our kind. My worse enemy is the only one that is considered even close to my greatness. His name is Sean Anthony Corson and he is filth.

An Accidental Collision Of Atoms {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now