Chapter 28

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~Anaestia's POV~

After sleeping for straight 5 hours that day,I woke up in the evening.There was a howling sound coming which made me sit up straight suddenly. Rubbing my eyes off,I started looking around to see where did it come from? But then realisation hit me,that's it no one but my stupid stomach.I have slept for so long so yes all I need now is FOOD.I got up from the bed and went to the mirror.

"WOW! I don't understand why people call it beauty sleep because even if I sleep for 5 hours a day I still look like a trashcan"I told myself.My hair looked horrible like literally,it seems like I just got an electric shock cause they were going hay way. I straighten them up into a bun and took my phone and went downstairs to look up for something cause my stomach baby is still growling.I had as always too many messages and calls left I replied to all.I fixed myself a coffee and went to the porch to get some fresh air.Keeping my cup by my side,I hit the music on.Sipping in the most needed thing,I saw Nate's car drive in and shockingly in it was a girl and surprising part that the girl was Cassie.FINALLY! My brother is progressing I smiled to myself.

"Hello Buds!" I jumped from the porch and walked up to them.

"Heyy,Ana!" Cassie ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Whats going idiot?" I grinned.

"Let's eat something I am hungry." She changed the thing.Oh yes!! Oh yes! Theres a spark! I thought and did a little mental dance.I am imagining the scenario about them being together and all and the gross part will be seeing them do those kisses and make outs in front me but anyway I am gonna enjoy everything.We walked in and Cas being so ladylike jumped on the couch and switched on the TV and as always kept changing channels.And from the corner of my eye I saw my brother smiling down at her.

"Hey,Lover Boy!" I snapped in.

"Eh,Don't ever call me that" He shrugged.

"So what do I call someone who looks at my best friend like she's a piece of a cake"

"Nate,your frickin' brother!" He smirked.

"so funny!" I mocked laughed which was obviously so loud that Cas turned,"What was funny?"

"Actually na Cassie..." I began but Nate cut me off.

"Do you guys want something to eat or just laze around?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"We are fine my cute brother"And hugged him to tease him.

"Please spare me the love Anaestia" He walked away.

"You know the right chord." Cas said.

"Totally" I grinned.

-Ting-Tong- The doorbell rang.

I opened the door to reveal my love the Pizza.I knew my brother won't starve me.

"How much?" I asked.

"20" The guy said.

"Where's the money Nate?" I shouted.

"as usual on the table" He shouted back.

I got the money and looked up to pay him and saw this really cute guy with the heartwarming grin plastered on his face.And as always I screeched a bit.I know I am a bit weird.

"Hey,you're Anaestia right?" The cute-delivery-boy-who-looks-familiar remarked.

"Yes! You know me?" I was shocked.

"Ah,you don't remember me right! Long time I know." He scratched the back of his neck.

"I can't recall,sorry" I feel embarrassed.

"I am Ryan" He smiled.

And I instantly shouted and hugged him.

"OHMYFRICKIN'GOD NATE!" I was excited.

"what?" Nate came running.

"You know him?" I pointed towards Ryan.

"Yeah!He's the pizza delivery guy"My brother and his lame jokes.

"Wow.Idiot!" I punched him.

"Nate,you jiggly man!" Ryan winked.

"Ryan! What the hell man! That's you!" He just went onto hug Ryan.

"Yeah that's me."

"Come in.Chill with us,we have loads to talk" Nate offered Ryan.

"Some other time Nate I have work now I'll get in touch with you guys later" He waved off and went away.

"Who was that?" Cas appeared.

"An old friend" Nate answered before I could.

"let's have pizza" Cas turned to her heels and walked off with the pizza box.

So okay Ryan is our childhood friend.He was basically Nate's friend and I used to play with them because I was quite shy at first. I was very fond of Ryan and so was he and the long childhood memories I can't recall.

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