9: Welp

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time for another update at 1AM.  imma just slide this in here^


It was too much for Yoongi. Seeing Jimin's overwhelming kindness and the way he spoke so softly and his perfect heart. It was just- too much to take in. 

And that was the reason he had ran out of of Jimin's house. Yoongi had gotten so infatuated with the boy so much, just seeing the boy right in front of him, with his beautiful features and promising eyes...

He wanted to kiss him. But didn't, in fear of what would happen after if he did. 

So he did the first thing that popped up in his brain and quickly got out of the house before he could do anything. To restrain himself. So now here he was, standing in his room, looking at the ground while breathing heavily. Not even thinking about what he just did to his dear friend. After his breathing was back to normal, the realization rushed to his head. 

Okay, he just almost kissed his friend, panicked, and ran out. Great. Great fucking job.

He slumped on his bed, thinking about what would've happened if he did kiss Jimin. How would he react? Would he be mad because he only saw him as a friend?




As a friend... something Yoongi didn't think of Jimin as. 

"Oh." was all Yoongi could breathe out as his cheeks started to feel hot.

He felt a new feeling in that moment. A feeling he couldn't understand, a confusing but exciting feeling. 

The feeling of love.


As for Jimin, he couldn't have felt worse. He was confused, frustrated, disappointed, and sad. Why did Yoongi just leave after what he said? "Was it too much information? What's wrong with me? Was I too forward?" was all he could question. 

He had always did his best to be strong in situations like these. But now, he just ran to his room and cried. What was Yoongi doing to him? Why was he so different from other people? Why would his heart flutter when he saw him? Even though he barely talked often? Because Yoongi never said rude remarks, nor would he bully Jimin. He was nice, with a good personality. He never got tired of Jimin, he seemed like he even cared for him. His stares would always give off  the impression that he quite enjoyed Jimin. In the week they've only known each other, he was perfect in every way. His deep voice always would intrude his thoughts every day, his laugh would brighten up the most gloomy days. His cheeky gummy smile would always make Jimin get flustered.

"Min Yoongi, I think I like you..."


Alright, it's like 3AM but i felt like updating lmao. Wattpad has been kinda slow lately and it sucks ass. But good thing for me i'm grounded and won't be able to post updates during chrismas break :'D Yayyyy... 



fuck you, math.

Sweet: yoonmin (completed i guess)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें