Chapter 3

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I wake to the annoying sound of my alarm clock and the sun shining in my face. Slamming my fist down on it I slowly get out of bed and get dresses.

I don't know exactly what to wear so I throw on jeans and a black tank top under my jacket. Flipping my layered hair over my face I smile at myself and go to the kitchen to eat. There is no noises in the house so I'm assuming the everyone left for work already.

I glance at the clock and sprint out the door relizing that I need to get to school quickly. I arrive at school just in time and make my way to the office.

The man hands me a schedule and a map telling me to hurry or I'm going to be late. I roll my eyes at this and step into the chaos that is the hall ways. I use the map and try to find my first class with is art my the class seems to be a wall. Frustrated I punch the wall. Seeing that I need to keep my anger in check.


I excuse my self to help a rather attractive looking girl that just punched a wall. She looks to be in my grade and totally in my leage. I walk up and smile.

"Hello there. I don't think punching a wall of going to solve your problems." I remark. She turns to me and I notice blue eyes and emo like hair. I shake her hand and introduce myself, "I'm Nicky."

She smiles and blushes a little sighing. "Hey I'm Sky. I don't normally punch walls, I just can't find my class and it's supposed to be right here." she hands me her schedule.

I smile as I relies we have a lot of classes to together. Maybe she is gay or at least a bisexual...the warning bell rings and brings me out of my daydreaming. "Well Sky, it looks like you won't be punching anything else. I will gladly be your best friend escort."

Sky smiles and nods, "I am glad to have a friend." we arrive at her art class and I hand her back her schedule.

"Well this is your class. I'll see you in two hours." I get a crazy impulse and lean in to kiss her cheek. She has a look of shock on her face as I blush and run away.

As I run as I curse myself out silently.'Great going Nicky. Now she thinks you are a freak!'

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