Chapter 2

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The moving truck came way to fast. I was kind of hopping I would be able to miss the first day of school tomorrow. But I can't, tomorrow I start my first day of 11th grade in Central Valley High school.

For now I will sit on my unmade mattress with boxes pilled all around me and imagine how this year should go.

This year I will find the boy of my dreams and I will-

My thoughts are interrupted by Jo's laughing from at my door. "Hey there little lady. You might want to do a little less sitting and more cleaning. A message from your mom."

I throw a pillow at her and we run around the house dogging pillows and other flying objects that we grab out of boxes. This is another reason why I like Jo so much. She knows how to have fun and how to cheer me up. Pretty soon my mom is flying around the house with us. Jo also brings out the best in my mom.

Pretty soon the house is a mess and we have created more things to clean up but we don't care. We are too busy laughing on the carpet of the living room.

"Who wants pizza for dinner?" mom asks as she served the huge mess we have made with a huge smile on her face.

Jo leans closer to mom and gets a evil grin on her face,"Do we happen to have a empty room that I can eat you? I mean with you." then she nibbles on my mom's neck causing my mom to giggle and me make gagging noises.

They laugh and I crawl in between them. "You two are the best mom's that I could ever ask for. Now where is that pizza!"

"One track mind little lady!" Jo yells down the hall laughing as I hunt down the phone.

I smile to my self. Tomorrow might not be too bad. I have to stay positive after all.

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