"Did you see him?" I turn to ask although I wasn't met with Jodi's long black hair.

"See who?" TJ asks raising his eyebrow. My smile fell and I found myself rolling my eyes before turning my attention back to Nathan.

"Who's this?" Nathan questioned.

"Nobody important—"

"What's good, bruh. I'm her boyfriend's best friend." TJ cuts me off, causing Nathan to raise his eyebrow.

"Why is his name so long?" He asks me before turning to TJ. "Sup her boyfriend's best friend, I'm not jealous."

I snickered slightly as TJ pursed his lips and finished off whatever was left in his glass. He then placed his glass down on to the table and leaned towards my ear.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I pursed my lips and glanced over my shoulder seeing TJ nodding at the back hallway. I sighed since I've been dreading his presences since he got back but proceed to following him anyway.

"You cool?" Nathan pulls on my wrists preventing me from walking away.

"It's fine." I nodded before catching up with TJ towards the bathrooms where the music didn't play as loud. "Why aren't you with Chris or something?"

"He's the reason I came over here. I thought I'll be nice and check up on you." He says while stuffing his hands into pockets.

I scrunch up my nose, "Check on me for what? I was clearly fine."

"Check on you since Rihanna is here." TJ scoffs. "Then again, you were all cozy with ol' dude in the corner you probably didn't even realize. Who are you using him to get to?"

I was taken back. Not only by the fact that Rihanna, Chris and I are in the same building. But also by the fact that TJ is talking to me like he lost his insanity.

"Like I said, I'm fine." I spat before storming off.

Walking back to my seat, Jodi finally appeared though she had another girl with her. She had straight shoulder length black hair, light skin with deep red lipstick, leggings and a sheer top. She was telling some kind of story that had both Jodi and Nathan's full attention while EJ was still snapping pictures with others.

"Genesis, this is my girl Erica. Me and her sort of go way back." Jodi spoke up as I sat in my original spot.

"Hi, mami. How are you?" She cheesed causing me to force a grin.

"Hey, I love your shoes." I complemented. "Did you see Chris anywhere?" I turn to Jodi.

"Oh I was just with him. He's downstairs with Usher taking pictures with the back drop." Erica butts in. "Girl he was looking so delicious with his blonde hair. I might have to visit memory lane tonight."

"Erica, no—"

"Memory lane?" I asks cutting Jodi off. Erica nodded before glancing over her shoulders and crouching down in front of us.

"Me and a few of my girls spent a week with Chris in Miami last year, and trust me when I say we didn't go out." She smirks, my eyebrows knitted together.

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