Day 2

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I have yet to finish unpacking yet. But luckily we have a week before training school starts. This place is like college but for people with powers.

Along with the powers I told you about I'm also from a long line of witches. So I'm pretty powerful.

Out of my two amazingly hot roommates I like Xander the most he's not a pervert like Luke.

Xander is a sweet, and funny gentleman. They are both like me. In fact strangely enough they both have the same powers as me. Luke told all of his powers to show off.


I fell asleep alone.. but when I woke up I felt am arm around my waist. A strong arm, and strong warm body spooning me.

I found it frightening and comforting at the same time.

I turned to find out who was in my bed.

I gasped seeing Luke there. Topless. Snoring lightly. I blushed.

Damn him and his sexy.

Well damn both of them for being so sexy.

I grinned.

I took my feet and brought my knees to my chest. My feet on him.




I pushed him with all my might. Litterly kicking him out of my bed. I laughed when he sat right up and looked for danger. Then he glared at me.

"Now was that necessary?" He asked. I nodded still laughing. "What are you doing in here? And why was you in my bed?" I asked. When my laughter died down.

He grinned and I gulped.

Like a predator. He crawled up to me. And pinned me down to my bed.

I blushed, which made him grin even more.

"I was lonely. So I came in here cause I knew you was lonely with out me." He said smugly.

"Get off. And out." I said. He chuckled. Then laid down and cuddled me closer. Man he likes to cuddle.

Not that I minded..... whoa! Where did that come from!?

Strangely being in his arms didn't remind me of ... No I'm not going to think of him! I have my powers now. I can defend myself from him now.

I geuss Luke felt my inner battle and looked at me. Worry in his eyes.

"Hey. You alright?" He asked. "Bad memories. Please go. I have to finish packing." I begged turning away so he didn't see the tears in my eyes.

He sighed. And I felt his lips on my bare shoulder [I was wearing a sports bra you pervs ]

Then he got up. "I like that you sleep in a bra and underwear. It's sexy." I gasped and looked at him, throwing a pillow at his smug face.

He ran out before it could hit him though. I could hear him laughing.

I got up and put on some baggy jeans, and I slipped on a baggy t-shirt. I put on some flip flops, and put my long brownish red hair in a pony tail.

I walked out of my room. And saw Alex looking threw the pantry biting his lip. I found it so hot.

Damn it mind!

"Morning." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Good morning. I was going to male breakfast. But it appears all that we have is... " He grabbed things.

"Granola bars." I giggled when he presented a box of granola bars like an advertisement person. "And pop tarts." He did the same with the pop tarts. A goofy grin on his face.

I took the box of pop tarts. I grinned at him and jumped onto the counter. He walked up to me. "I'll go to the store." I said, my eyes had a mind of their own and went to his soft looking thin lips.

I forced myself to look him in the eyes. We was leaning in close to each other. His eyes on my lips.

I felt his hand on my thigh.

I liked it.

But memories of my past hit me. I went to back away, but then we heard Luke coming in. And we both backed away.

Hey beautiful. Why are you covering that amazingly hot body of yours?" Luke asked walking up and kissing my neck.

I saw Alex shake his head. I got down.

"Make a list of what you guys want from the store. You will pay me back for your food and things." I said. Luke grinned. "Condoms?" He winked. Making me blush. "No." I said.

"How about we all go? Go put some clothes on Luke. We'll be outside." Alex said. I blushed and looked away when I noticed he was only wearing only some boxer breafs.

He grinned noticing it.

Oh boy

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