Possessive Roommates

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"Wow sweetheart. This is it. You existed?" My dad asked. I looked at the huge building. "Yeah daddy." I said. My parents are powerful brings. So I'm being sent here.

McNally Academy

Where others like me are sent to. If you've seen the movie Now You See Me, well I have their powers. Plus elements.

I grabbed my duffel bag and a box that had some of my little personal things. I was told to go ahead and go find my room.

So I went ahead and looked for it.

When I found it I saw it was just like an apartment. But I searched and saw it was a three bedroom, an I saw that only one room wasn't occupied with boxes. So I went into mine.

I guess my roomies are probably out somewhere. So I helped my parents bring things in and when they left I was able to put things away.

"Well hello?" I heard a voice say. I turned and saw a man standing their. I guess this is one of my roommates boyfriends. Lucky girl.

He had black hair that looked silky. His blue gray eyes sparkled with cockyness and amusement. His tan skin, I could tell that he was a muscular man.

I gave him a smile, and politely held out my hand.

"Hi. I'm Bailey. Are you o be of my roommates boyfriend?" I asked. He chuckled. "You moving in here?" He asked, shaking my hand. "Yeah." I said.

He perked up a bit.

"Well sweetheart. I'm your roommate. I'm Luke." He said. I froze. "Wait. My roommate? But... your a...." I said. He smirked. "A man? A good looking man? Why thank you sweetheart." He teased.

I blushed, and took my hand away.

"Is my other roommate A man as well?" I asked. He nodded. "In fact. He just went to get a new phone. He broke his by accident. He should be back later on. So I get to know you better." He said smoothly.

I walked past him and went to the office.

"Excuse me? Can I switch rooms please?" I begged. She looked at me with a huge fake smile. "Sorry sweety. We can't switch rooms. Sorry." She said. I signed. And trudged back.

On the way there I bumped into someone and we both fell. I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

"Oh my! Are you alright?" A deep British voise asked. I looked up and saw beautiful blue eyes.

Oh wow this man was so handsome.

Curly dirty blonde hair, somewhat tan skin. Wow. Lean but muscular looking.

Oh boy.

"Yeah. I'm ok. I'm sorry I wasn't paying atten ... ouch!" As I was speaking, he helped me up. As soon as I put the tiniest bit of pressure onto my ankle. Pain shot threw me.

Making me crumble.

"Oh dear. You must of twisted it. Here. If you allow me, I can take you to my dorm, and check that out." He asked with that sexy accent.

I nodded. Then he smiled and picked me up Bridle style. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Soon, I was placed onto the couch. He helped me to gently put my ankle on the coffee table with a pillow underneath it.

"I'm going to heal it ok?" He asked. I nodded. He gently rolled my jeans up my leg. He then started to massage my ankle. It stung but it soon got better.

"Well princess. You let him touch you but not me?" I froze. I saw Luke walk out of what I guess was his room.

I then noticed that I was back in the dorm I wanted out of. I looked at the man trying to heal my ankle.

"You live here as well?" I asked. He nodded, then I held out my hand. "I'm Bailey. I guess I'm your new roommate." I introduced myself. He shook my hand.

Man did both of these guys have such large hands. They both swallowed mine!

"I'm Alex. It's a pleasure to meet you." He missed my hand, making me blush.

Oh boy this is going to be.... who knows now with these two

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