Wonder Wanders

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Eyes, there're always eyes, peeking, staring, judging. Wonder hates eyes. But even as the embodiment of wonder, one who knows no fear, eyes surround her. She despises them. Especially the eyes of dear Ping, her mentor, and the keeper of balance, and the eyes of Sin, her 'sister', and, well, the embodiment of sin, said to be opposite to wonder and thus, maintains the balance in this dear world. Wonder knows the importance of this, but Wonder being Wonder, craves and yearns deeply for something... fun. That's why she started this journey today.

            She knocked gently on the door that stood in front of her, doors, she saw no need of them, as she could phase through them quite easily, but rules are rules, and though she was about to meet a minor, are to be followed, always. And Sin asks why Wonder think Ping's no fun... He isn't!

              A maiden with dark long silky hair came about to open the door, her crystal blue eyes shone as if she could see through everything, yet the same eyes carry just as much sorrow as clarity.

              "Wonder, what is it that brings you here?" The maiden asked, as she wasn't quite used to having guests, and clearly wasn't expecting anyone. She lived deep in the mountains of Elinor, heavily suggested by Ping after her incident with the sacred Elinors, the five ancient relics morphed by the- 'Unimportant', Wonder gave me an extremely quick glare. She then proceeded to smile at the maiden, her childlike kind of smile, light blonde hair flowing gently behind her, "I just want to talk about Sin."

                The door was immediately left open for this unusual guest.



A lie, when Wonder planned this journey of hers, she knew she would tell plenty, but it still hurts doing so, is this what Sin feels everyday ? Guarding all those lies and all those wrongs...

                  But a choice had been made, and Wonder was not one to back down, even if this unusual feeling took over her mind.

                    "So, what is it you wanted to talk about that concerns Sin?" The black-haired maiden sat a few feet away from her, trying hard to regain her composure, to be calm, for she knew if Sin wronged, she too would have to face grave consequences.

                      That's when Wonder told the lie.

                      And after, the maiden failed to stay composed, hands trembling as far as a Celestial could. As a Celestial, she serves Sin, or to put it in a more "how-Wonder-prefers-it-to-be-called" (Wonder glared at me again, I should probably just tell the story without any deep insight or comments, huh) way, does Sin's bidding, just to maintain balance, as usual. She was one of three who serves Sin,  and the most loyal at that, thus Wonder's choice to- well, you'll find out soon.

                      Wonder stood up and prepares to take her leave, but not before chanting an old verse to the now unprepared Celestial. The Celestial's eyes begin to cloud, as is the necklace the maiden's wearing, the dark opal it bears taking a shade of truest black.

                      "Goodnight, Raven." Wonder takes another long look at the Celestial, and before the last of that tiny glimmer in Raven's eyes faded away, said, "You'll only be out for a year, but I'll make sure it feels like a thousand."

                      Wonder closed the door and giggled like a child, "I can't wait till the world finds out about magic!"

                      The date? 31st December 2014.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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