Part 17

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Above, is a rare photo of Thanos' left hand. 

Okay, it's not funny, I know, however, this is probably rarer than the infinity stones... 

Me: *waits for laughter*

readers/crowd: *silence*

Me: *dry laugh* Tough crowd... -_- 

I should probably post my Christmas Peter Parker x Reader... 

OR NOT!!!   



I will probably come back in and Edit this so... yea.

Enjoy I guess...

Before you read, you should keep in mind that not all of the information with SWORD and SHIELD is correct. I just added it in to make it interesting. If you have no clue what SWORD is, you should look it up and do some research. It's pretty cool tbh. 

****************************FEW MONTHS LATER****************************

Y/n's POV: I ran from the bus stop to the compound. I was so excited, it was Winter Break, plus, Christmas was right around the corner. Seeing as it was on a Tuesday, we'd also get that week off. As soon as I got to the compound, Aunt May pulled up into the driveway. "Hey May." I greeted her. "Hello dear, how are you?" She asked. "Fine, you?" She informed me that she was good as I helped her bring in groceries. 

Because we wanted to, we were going to have a small party. Peter's family, Ned, and mine. Dad, Pepper, and Happy would be there too. I got to work on decorations, drinks, and snacks, while May worked on the cake. Happy walked in with Ned and Pepper, and I greeted them. "Hey you guys! We just have to wait for Peter and Dad and then we-" "Y/n..." Ned pointed to the t.v. which had been turned on. 

"Billionaire Tony Stark has been-"

I looked at the t.v. in horror. Destruction raged through the city. Central Park had been ruined, along with numerous buildings in the city. "So he's not coming...?" I asked. Pepper shook her head. "Well, what about Peter? He said he was coming." Ned looked down at his feet, and bit his lip. "He's not coming either.  He's with Mr. Stark." "It's fine. We can still celebrate you guys." Aunt May said. 

"This cake is going to take a while to cook, because it's a special recipe, so we might as well break out the games." I nodded. "Yeah." We grabbed Monopoly, because that game never ended really. "I'M THE CANON!" I yelled, snatching it from the center. Happy grabbed the car, Pepper grabbed the dog, Ned grabbed the boat, and May grabbed the iron. 

Happy wasn't happy about being in jail. He missed out on two turns, Ned had one piece of property, I had 3, Pepper had 2, and Aunt May had 2. It had only been a few minutes, when I had to go help Uncle Rhodey upstairs. "When did he get here?" I asked. "He's been here all day." Pepper replied. "Okay." I ran towards the elevator, and went to Rhodey's office. "Hey, Uncle Rhodes, I'm heeeeee~" My "E" in "Here" had faded, due to awe. 

I can't help falling in love with you   Peter Parker x Reader {MARVEL}Where stories live. Discover now